Film Conspiracies

Hosted byRich Berra

Film Conspiracies

About the show

Filmmaker Jay Weidner joined guest host Rich Berra (email) to share his insights into conspiracy theories surrounding films of the Apollo moon landing and the JFK assassination. While Weidner believes humanity did reach the moon multiple times, the footage and photographs we see of the Apollo moon landing are not genuine. He argued that what was presented to the public was a carefully crafted version by the government, possibly directed by Stanley Kubrick. This was done to hide advanced technology, which, according to Weidner, could have allowed for much faster space travel.

He delved into the involvement of historical figures like James Forrestal and JFK in the development and concealment of this high technology, noting that NASA has destroyed all original footage of the moon landing. Weidner discussed Kubrick's techniques, such as front screen projection, used in his film "2001: A Space Odyssey," and suggested similar methods were used in the moon landing footage. He also referenced anomalies in moon images and the improbability of filming on the moon with the technology available at the time. He also touched upon Kubrick's possible confessional in his film "The Shining," interpreting deviations from Stephen King's novel as hints about his role in faking the moon landing footage.

Regarding the JFK, Weidner revealed his belief that JFK faked his death. He hypothesized about the immediate release of detailed information regarding Lee Harvey Oswald and his rifle right after the so-called assassination which could suggest this was a pre-scripted event. He recalled the immense popularity of JFK and Jackie Kennedy, the oddity of the crowds thinning out in Dealey Plaza, and the lack of news cameras covering the parade, despite the presence of news crews after the assassination. Weidner highlighted the significance of the Zapruder film, the only footage of the event, and explained that modern enhancement techniques reveal no reactions to gunshots in the footage.

Astrological Insights

In the first hour, astrologer William Stickevers provided his astrological view on various issues. He explained that the recent tech outage, which caused widespread disruption across multiple systems, could either be a hack or a misguided update, with no definitive cause yet. This incident led to massive failures in banking, healthcare, media, and transportation. Stickevers mentioned an astrological alignment involving Mars, Uranus, and Algol, which he believes correlates with current chaotic events, including political turmoil and tech disruptions. He predicted ongoing volatility and transformative changes driven by this alignment. Stickevers discussed potential impacts on artificial intelligence, job displacement, and the entertainment industry. He also touched on broader societal upheavals and emphasized the need for adaptability and proactive decision-making during this turbulent period.

Bumper Music

Last Night

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Close Encounters / Mount Shasta Mysteries
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