Biblical Prophecy / Geoengineering

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Biblical Prophecy / Geoengineering

About the show

In the first half, financial analyst Benjamin Baruch discussed the world's current financial situation and how it reflects prophecy found in the Bible. He claimed the Deep State has manipulated Western economies for 500 years, leading to today's high rates of inflation and market instability. "They use this 80-year cycle of depression, collapse… followed by a time of expansion and growth," he stated. "They convince the public the way to get rich is to go into debt." According to Baruch, the Federal Reserve is run by the Illuminati, who were responsible for dragging the United States into the Great Depression. "The operation of this Deep State is, in fact, the central focus of much of Bible prophecy," he explained.

Baruch spoke about his past prediction on Coast to Coast in 2019, when he said the world would change forever in March the following year. As the COVID-19 pandemic shut down societies across the globe, he wasn't surprised. "I knew the world would change forever in March because we had entered the 70th year of America as Mystery Babylon [from the Book of Revelation]," he shared. Baruch made more predictions about the apocalypse, as well as some of the terrible events leading up to it. He forecasted the second coming of Jesus as occurring in 2031. "We know World War III takes place in the season of fall seven years prior [to the second coming]. That would put World War III in 2024," he warned. "We do have a war going on, and it is expanding." Despite this harrowing outlook, Baruch believes there is hope. "In our country, a significant number of people will survive," he assured. "It is not all bad news, but we've got really dark days ahead of us."


In the second half, researcher and activist Dane Wigington spoke about how geoengineering causes wide temperature fluctuations, severe storms, and other environmental concerns. While some tout geoengineering as a way to combat climate change, Wigington noted that the processes and their side effects are poorly understood. "The term is confusing to some, and that's part of the intent," he explained. "It sounds almost like some sort of geological work… and the term engineering is far too dignified." He referenced the toxic chemtrails that planes release, ostensibly to reflect sunlight and counteract global warming. Wigington claimed these chemicals are noticeably dimming our planet and poisoning our atmosphere. "Few people remember what a deep blue sky looked like with brilliant white clouds," he reminisced. "And now we have this filth floating over us all the time."

Wigington told listeners that geoengineering is just another way the government disregards human life. He pointed to the military and industrial processes that have contaminated our planet, from developing nuclear bombs and power plants to testing Agent Orange. "[By 1977] the US military had conducted no less than 239 open-air biological tests on innocent, unknowing civilians," he shared. He also pointed out the difference between pollution and geoengineering, saying the latter is a highly intentional act by those in power. Wigington sees it as one of the most pressing issues that mankind faces. "I have to do this — I can't look my children in the eyes, I can't look myself in the mirror without being fully engaged in this fight for all that matters," he stated. "This is the biggest hole in the bottom of the boat. You cannot hide from this."

News segment guests: Dr. John Curtis, John Truman Wolfe

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