Prophecy Update / Anti-Gravity Technology

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Prophecy Update / Anti-Gravity Technology

About the show

In the first half, authority on Nostradamus, prophecy, and astrology, John Hogue returned to update his prophecy alarm. He highlighted a significant astrological event in October: Pluto's return to its original position in the US chart, a moment that won't recur for another 248 years. This, he argued, symbolizes a "death and rebirth" for the nation. He drew parallels to the historical Cuban Missile Crisis, warning that the current geopolitical situation, particularly regarding Russia and Ukraine, could escalate into a dangerous confrontation. He related some of Nostradamus's prophecies and those of the 18th-century seer Stormberger, about a world war conflagration possibly involving nuclear bombs and global destruction to our current timeline.

Though Nostradamus wrote of dire wars, some of his quatrains refer to the far future going all the way up to the year 3797 and beyond, Hogue noted, adding that it can be a positive thing to maintain a certain fear around things like nuclear war and devastation, as it wakes up humanity and kicks in our survival mechanism. Hogue touched on the upcoming election, speculating that Trump could win both in the electoral college and the popular vote. He also asserted that mainstream media has lost its way and expressed concern over censorship and the suppression of alternative voices. Further, he lamented the decline of civic education, stating, "There's been a couple generations now that have not had civics classes," which he believes has contributed to a passive citizenry.


In the latter half, ufologist, researcher, and author Ryan S. Wood discussed his ongoing exploration into anti-gravity technology, as well as the legacy of his late father, Bob Wood, and his research into gravity, and the MJ-12 documents. A number of historical UFO cases suggest the existence of anti-gravity technology, such as an intriguing 1966 sighting in Oklahoma, when an Air Force sergeant saw a mysterious teardrop-shaped craft that employed electrostatic fields and spinning mechanics. The craft appeared to be manmade, he noted, and its technology offers clues as to how you control gravity. Wood believes that scientists may have reverse-engineered such technology from UFO crashes. Speaking of the late aerospace engineer Ben Rich from Lockheed, he admitted on stage that "we have the technology to take ET home" and that we've figured out how to travel to the stars.

Wood highlighted his father's pivotal role in authenticating some of the controversial Majestic 12 documents, a collection of over 3,500 pages that purportedly detail government knowledge of UFOs and ET technology. Among the notable revelations was a document they received in 1998 stamped with "Top Secret MAJIC," on the cover, indicating possible gravity control technology, with a handwritten note stating, 'this should not get out.' The document was "mailed from the Fort Meade FOIA office" and was titled the "Encyclopaedia of Flying Saucers." Wood pointed out another document, the Special Operations Manual on extraterrestrial technology recovery, was considered particularly credible due to forensic evidence linking it to known government printing practices. "The aerospace world has figured out gravity control," he declared, but such technologies are kept hidden from the public.

News segment guests: Christian Wilde, Kevin Randle

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