Demystifying Ghosts / Open Lines

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Demystifying Ghosts / Open Lines

About the show

Theresa Cheung has a degree in Theology and English from Cambridge and has written numerous books about the paranormal. She joined George Noory to discuss ghostly places and encounters as well as the concept of "haunted person syndrome." According to Cheung, every location featured in her book, Haunted World: 101 Ghostly Places and Encounters, has a history of mysterious or paranormal activity, and these sites often begin with a human drama that persists across time, giving the place its haunted reputation. She noted that the haunting phenomena in these locations are not random and are often connected to significant events, whether recent or from ancient history.

Cheung explored the concept of ghosts as part of the human experience, emphasizing the belief in an afterlife and the significance of paranormal experiences. She reflected on the overwhelming proof that ghosts and other spiritual encounters are not just isolated incidents but universal to human existence. Almost everyone has experienced some form of ghostly or spiritual event, whether it’s through dreams, premonitions, or feelings of being watched, Cheung stressed. She also delved into the power of belief, highlighting experiments like the 1970s Philip experiment, which suggested that collective belief can create paranormal phenomena.

Cheung reported on "haunted person syndrome," a concept introduced by psychologists and parapsychologists to describe individuals particularly sensitive to paranormal experiences. Some people, due to their heightened sensitivity, empathy, and intuition, are more likely to perceive and experience hauntings, especially in locations known for such phenomena, she explained. These individuals often report multiple paranormal occurrences, as once they experience one, it tends to lead to more, she added. Cheung revealed that indigenous cultures may have referred to this as "ghost sickness" when individuals had persistent nightmares or sensed presences.


Open Lines followed in the latter half of the program. Lonnie, a long-time listener from Washington, shared her personal story of hardship, explaining that she began listening after losing her husband and home, and spending two years homeless. Despite the challenges, she expressed gratitude for experiencing both sides of life, feeling it has given her a well-rounded perspective.

Ruth in Maryland recounted a miraculous experience while driving a neighbor to pick up a puppy. As they traveled down a dangerous road, a car appeared suddenly in front of them, seemingly headed for a collision. Strangely, Ruth recalled having no reaction and watching the car inexplicably pass through the middle of the road without hitting them. Ruth described the experience as surreal, like a video game, and said it left both her and the neighbor in silence. Upon further reflection on the incident, Ruth feels that time and space may have shifted, which she credits as a divine miracle.

Eric, known as the "mind control guy," speculated about the impact of the recent hurricane on cryptids in the Appalachian region, which has long been a hotspot for sightings. He wondered if the storm might have displaced or revealed these mysterious creatures, leading to possible encounters or reports of living or dead cryptids. He found it intriguing and noted it would be interesting to see if any reports emerge following the hurricane's devastation.

The final half hour featured a replay from 10/9/2023 when Fortean researcher Lon Strickler reported on flying humanoids and cryptids.

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