Cosmology Questions / Spirit Guides & Dreams

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Cosmology Questions / Spirit Guides & Dreams

About the show

In the first half, author and researcher Mark Gober explored profound questions about our universe and argued that conventional scientific narratives have many flaws and inconsistencies. In challenging the Big Bang theory, he stated, "I'm not convinced there was a Big Bang" 13.8 billion years ago, suggesting that our understanding of cosmic origins is limited by the prevailing Copernican principle, which posits that Earth is not in a special location in the universe. He believes this heliocentric notion has led scientists to fit observations into a model that may not accurately reflect reality. Gober also expressed skepticism about the widely accepted theory that we live in an expanding universe, as put forth by astronomer Edwin Hubble. If the universe is expanding like a balloon, "what is it that it's expanding into?" he pondered.

Gober further critiqued the concepts of dark matter and dark energy, claiming they are often treated as "plugins" to maintain current cosmological models. He quoted physicist Pablo Kroupa, who believes the evidence for dark matter has been "falsified" and that young scientists are pulled into the established paradigm because that's where the funding is. In contrast to the "Flat Earth" theory, Gober mentioned that he is a "Globe Skeptic," questioning the accepted model that Earth is a spinning ball in space. In contemplating consciousness and reality, he posited a potential spiritual connection and encouraged listeners to engage deeply with the mysteries of the cosmos and our place within it.


In the latter half, dream interpreter and angelic researcher Samantha Fey shared how people can connect with their spirit guides, angels, and loved ones on the Other Side for assistance. She also delved into the meaning and significance of dreams. Before we are born into our current incarnation, "I believe that we create our soul plan... with the gentle guidance of our spirit guides and angels," she said. This blueprint for our lives may include things we weren't able to achieve in previous lifetimes, Fey continued, and yet, individuals can amend their plans while on Earth, as "it's important to recognize and really look at your life with clarity and honesty," and make course corrections when needed. Manifestation, prayer, and meditation are among the tools that can be used to do this, she added.

"I believe that we all have guardian angels," she asserted, and "they are here to really protect us and oversee our soul plan." She clarified the distinction between guardian angels and spirit guides, stating that the latter are wise beings who have lived human lives, while angels have not. Fey explored the concept of precognitive dreams, suggesting that dreams may allow our souls to visit the Other Side and connect with loved ones or foresee important events. She highlighted the potential of lucid dreaming as a tool for self-healing and personal insight, with an inspiring story of a student who confronted a recurring nightmare, ultimately realizing it was a manifestation of his own fears. "When we are able to really work with our dreams... we can let go of a lot of illusionary shackles," she remarked. During the last hour, Fey offered interpretations and analysis of callers' dreams.

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