JFK Assassination Revelations / Open Lines

Hosted byRichard Syrett

JFK Assassination Revelations / Open Lines

About the show

JFK researcher George Schwimmer joined guest host Richard Syrett (Twitter) to share explosive facts of what he believes happened on November 22, 1963, in Dallas, including new revelations that multiple shooters were firing at JFK. Schwimmer theorized about the existence of two distinct individuals, referred to as Lee and Harvey Oswald, to clarify the narrative. Lee, born in New Orleans, was involved with the mob and interacted with figures such as Carlos Marcello and Jack Ruby. Harvey was a younger Hungarian immigrant living in New York, recruited by U.S. intelligence, possibly due to his fluent Russian. The two Oswalds were part of an elaborate operation intended to confuse identities, known as "Operation Oswald," with both leading parallel but occasionally intersecting lives, he explained.

According to Schwimmer, the intelligence operation involving the two Oswalds began during the boys' adolescence. Lee had familial connections to intelligence services and the mob through his aunt and uncle. At the same time, Harvey's background made him suitable for a "false defector" program to infiltrate the Soviet Union. The operation was not initially linked to any plot against President Kennedy, but rather a standard intelligence maneuver to plant double agents in the Soviet Bloc.

Schwimmer identified Lee as the individual on the sixth floor of the Texas Book Depository, where the shots that killed President Kennedy were fired. Harvey worked at the Texas Book Depository and was arrested after the shooting but was not the actual shooter, he noted. Schwimmer argued that the existence of two Oswalds was intended to create confusion, making it difficult for investigators to unravel who was responsible. This confusion played into the narrative that Harvey acted alone, despite evidence suggesting the involvement of a broader network of actors tied to intelligence and the mob. Schwimmer also enumerated discrepancies in official documents, including school and medical records, which for him hint at deliberate manipulation by intelligence agencies.


Open Lines followed in the latter half of the program. Marcy from San Diego discussed her beliefs about the afterlife, shaped by books from psychics, which describe realms ranging from lavish mansions to grim places for troubled souls like John Wayne Gacy. She also shared a personal story about her mother encountering relatives on her deathbed.

Brian in Chicago shared a series of strange coincidences, such as hallucinating a beetle, his name's link to Orion, and vivid dream experiences, leading him to suspect he might be the Messiah. Richard acknowledged the synchronicities but humorously suggested Brian might instead consider being the reincarnation of an Egyptian pharaoh. Brian conceded that reincarnation is also a possibility worth exploring.

Dale from North Dakota recounted a ghost story related to his wife's grandfather's passing, involving sightings of the grandfather on the deck of a boat on a lake. He described a sudden wind that disturbed the boats during the scattering of the grandfather's ashes. Dale interpreted these events as the grandfather's way of communicating and viewed the experience as a positive message about the afterlife.

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