Natural Remedies / Strange Christmas Tales

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Natural Remedies / Strange Christmas Tales

About the show

In the first half, Dr. Joel Wallach discussed the benefits of natural remedies that aid in the body's recovery from chronic conditions that plague Americans today. Speaking of holiday feasting, he noted that "When you eat a lot, that means you're missing something," highlighting the problem of nutritional deficiencies. He emphasized the need for a balanced intake of essential nutrients, stating, "You need to be taking the 90 essential nutrients," which include 60 minerals, and 16 vitamins. Wallach argued that if you're eating well but not supplementing, you may wind up with such conditions as arthritis, osteoporosis, and high blood pressure due to the inadequacy of modern diets. "You're filling up on the calories, but you're not getting the nutrients," he cautioned.

"Parkinson's disease is not a genetic thing, and it's something we can get rid of in weeks," Wallach claimed, as he shared a success story about a woman who had suffered from Parkinson's for over a decade but saw miraculous improvements after changing her diet and taking specific supplements. Responding to a caller concerned about a woman with a dental infection affecting her mobility, he suggested a comprehensive supplement plan to alleviate pressure from osteoporosis in the skull. He encouraged listeners to commit to a 90-day regimen for best results, asserting that many health issues can be reversed with the correct supplement program and diet.


In the latter half, paranormal investigator and the "Wizard of Weird," Joshua P. Warren, presented strange yuletide tales, including reports of witnesses who have seen Santa Claus, and the legend of Krampus and other Christmas spirits. Regarding the Santa sightings, he has been collecting stories since 2008 and related the phenomenon to tulpas, a thought form or materialization that is created through intense concentration. One notable account came from a woman in Miami who reported seeing Santa in her living room in 1980. She asked him where toys came from, to which he replied, "They are not made on Earth. I inspire the toy makers." Warren recounted his own experiment involving a Santa doll, which led to strange occurrences on a ranch in Texas, including a mysterious 911 call from a building no one was supposed to be in.

Santa is actually based on the historical figure Saint Nicholas, an early Christian bishop who had a habit of secret gift-giving. Turning to the darker side of Christmas, Warren discussed Krampus, a horned creature that originated in European folklore, who is said to punish naughty children. He described him as a "tall, shaggy beast" with long fangs and wild, fiery eyes who drags children off to his cave.

On a cheerier note, he pointed out that the Christmas season is a time when more miracles are reported, highlighting the transformative power of belief during this time. He recounted an extraordinary event involving a woman who, after losing her home in the Asheville flood in the fall, received unexpected assistance just a few days ago. He also touched on his recent 'Time Camera' experiment, involving radionics and photography. For more, check out Joshua's weekly show, Strange Things, on C2C's Paranormal Podcast Network.

News segment guests: Lauren Weinstein, Steve Kates

Bumper Music

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