Financial Forecast / Sasquatch Communications

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Financial Forecast / Sasquatch Communications

About the show

In the first half, author and currency specialist Kristen Ragusin discussed the current economic climate, what we can expect this year, and the evolving impact of Bitcoin. While inflation and economic challenges persist, she believes there is significant upside potential with the new Trump administration. "He's got a good plan, and they've got a lot of tools in the toolbox to turn this thing around," she remarked, citing revamped energy policies and tax reforms, including not taxing Social Security benefits. Ragusin was not concerned about proposed tariffs causing inflation, suggesting that they were going to be used as more of a bargaining chip.

She noted that Bitcoin, often viewed with skepticism, has a robust infrastructure that makes it "safer than our regular financial structure." Despite its volatility, she thinks Bitcoin is "here to stay," likening it to "digital gold" that could help restructure US debt. However, comparing the current cryptocurrency landscape to the dot-com bubble, she predicted that only a few blockchain coins would prevail. And while she has concluded that we're headed to a form of digital currency, she cautioned that cash should not be abandoned.

Ragusin also touched on her views about creating abundance for all, instead of the illusory "scarcity" economy. "When money was made scarce… scarcity of all kinds ensued," she explained, adding that America's founding fathers understood this and sought financial freedom from feudalism and oligarchs by issuing money backed by resources. Ragusin argues that we could do this with community resources such as farming.


In the latter half, Sasquatch communicator Brian Bland shared his profound experiences with the enigmatic creatures, emphasizing a deep, telepathic connection he believes many can tap into. This connection was ignited during a walk in 2012 when he received a clear telepathic message to "go to the mountains," which he believes was from Sasquatch. He recounted a pivotal moment when he encountered "glyphs" (view related images), characterized as distinct, non-random shapes formed with wood and sticks that he views as forms of communication from Sasquatch. He thinks these beings possess advanced abilities, and that many are more evolved than humans. Bland described viewing "Arrrie," a Sasquatch clan-leader, as about 12 and a half feet tall, "broad as a Volkswagen bus," and weighing in excess of 1000 pounds.  

Detailing some of his extraordinary experiences with Sasquatch, Bland emphasized their ability to manipulate perception and reality. He recalled a moment when he witnessed a Sasquatch materialize right before him, while his friend perceived it as a small dog, illustrating how "they can give you any sensory, audible or visual experience that they want to create." He also discussed the meaningful lessons he's learned from these encounters, particularly about unity and connection. In one instance, after sensing that Arrrie's daughter was nearby, he experienced a "love zap," a powerful energy that left him feeling deeply connected to a universal God source, devoid of ego and judgment.

News segment guests: Lauren Weinstein, Steve Kates

Bumper Music

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