First Half: Neuroscientist Dr. Eben Alexander, whose career includes decades as a physician and associate professor at Harvard Medical School, joins Lisa Garr (email) to discuss how his NDE changed his life, what we can all learn from NDEs, the power of love, the nature of consciousness and the eternal soul, the value of meditation, and how science is now proving the ‘afterlife.’
Second Half: Dr. Fabrizio Mancini, DC, is a leading expert in health and healthy lifestyles. He is a world-renowned chiropractor, bestselling author and speaker, and President Emeritus of Parker University. He'll address the monopoly of food and Big Pharma companies that has led to overwhelming chronic disease in this country, and will also talk about cutting-edge healing technologies in the wellness and longevity field.
6-10pm PT: Art Bell - Somewhere in Time returns to 1/18/02 for a night of Open Lines on such topics as interdimensional beings and miracles.