Vitamins & Remedies / Soul Groups & the Afterlife

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Vitamins & Remedies / Soul Groups & the Afterlife

About the show

In the first half, nutrition expert  Dr. Earl Mindell shared valuable herbal remedies and vitamins that boost vitality and health. Discussing the alarming obesity epidemic in America, he highlighted the serious health implications of this trend, including high blood pressure, diabetes, and cancer. He offered advice for weight management, such as starting the day with a glass of ice water to combat belly fat and practicing "Hara hachi bu," a Japanese principle of eating until 80% full. Mindell also noted that there has been a breakthrough in weight loss medication, specifically mentioning Ozempic and its generic version, semaglutide. This medication helps you lose weight without dieting by slowing digestion and making you feel full, he explained, adding that the MyOlivia site offers compounded semaglutide prescriptions online.

Additionally, Mindell stressed the benefits of vitamin D3, calling it a "hormone" crucial for immune function and anti-aging. He asserted, "If I could get everybody in the country over 18 to take 5000 units of vitamin D3...we could close half the hospitals because we wouldn't need them." On the topic of supplements, he recommended taking them in the morning and evening with meals for optimal absorption. He described CoQ10 as an "energy booster" and cited the benefits of turmeric for its anti-inflammatory properties. "Most of the diseases that we have today are inflammatory," he pointed out. He also touched on the importance of minerals like magnesium, stating that "75% of Americans are not getting enough magnesium in their diet," which is vital for heart health and sleep.


In the latter half, spiritual medium and author Carole Obley discussed her journey in mediumship, and insights into the afterlife and "soul pods" or soul groups. "True mediumship takes many, many years to develop. It's certainly not something that you can do overnight" in terms of establishing an accurate connection with spirit, she said. The spirit world or afterlife is "a state of consciousness," she continued, and in mediumship her consciousness blends with that of the soul who no longer has a body, allowing for communication. The concept of soul agreements was also a focal point. Obley referred to them as "blueprints" rather than contracts, emphasizing mutual consent between souls: "It's always a two-way street."

She also elaborated on the idea of soul pods, likening them to groups of sea creatures that navigate together, expressing shared qualities and archetypes. Obley described how individuals are drawn to their soul groups based on "resonance," likening it to meeting someone and instantly feeling a connection. "We can have soul group members here on the physical plane, but we can also have them in spirit," she added.

Addressing what happens at death, she noted that some souls may experience confusion, especially in sudden deaths. Regarding the fear of death, she recounted a poignant story from a reading, where a deceased husband reassured his wife: "Death is like walking through a doorway... it's that simple"-- a transformation that is a natural part of existence. During the last hour, she gave readings for callers.

News segment guests: Douglas Mulhall, Kevin Randle

Bumper Music

Last Night

Health Remedies / Ghosts & Hauntings
Health Remedies / Ghosts & Hauntings
Pharmacist Ben Fuchs discussed natural health remedies and supplements. Followed by author and paranormal investigator Richard Estep with reports of ghosts, hauntings, and anomalies.


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