Alien Abductions & Implants

Hosted byArt Bell

Alien Abductions & Implants

About the show

Famed horror author Whitley Strieber has extensively chronicled his alien abduction experiences. At the time of this interview, his latest book was titled Confirmation. He was also working on a special for NBC, and a camera crew was in Art's studio. The book and NBC program planned to present hard evidence of abductions. Whitley talked about an implant he said was in his ear. Reportedly, a surgeon tried to remove the implant, but when he got to the foreign object, the thing moved. The doctor said it looked like a white disc.

Strieber spoke about a recent encounter with a short man who visited him in his hotel room in Toronto. The man did not look alien at all, but Whitley immediately knew this was some type of contact experience, even though it was like none of the other encounters he'd had before. When asked, "Where are you from?" the man just smiled and said "Your world is breaking up. This cannot continue as is. It is finished...We are about to leave this consciousness." Art and Whitley discussed whether UFOs are here to save humanity if there are disasters.

The first hour featured news of the day and Open Lines. Art revealed that his night vision studio camera is pointed toward Area 51.

Last Night

Afterlife Evidence / Weather Magic
Afterlife Evidence / Weather Magic
Philosopher and author Chris Carter presented compelling arguments supporting the reality of an afterlife. Followed by astrophysicist, farmer, and witch Debra L. Burris, who shared her unique approach to weather magic.


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