Bible Codes & Demon Possession

Hosted byArt Bell

Bible Codes & Demon Possession

About the show

On this episode, Art heard from Father Malachi Martin about a number of mysterious aspects of his time in the Catholic Church. From Martin's perspective, many of the Catholic teachings have been compromised by its attempt to modernize its message, and the Church failed to act on the third prophecy supposedly revealed by the Virgin Mary at Fátima. Martin's disagreement with such issues led to his asking to be released from certain of his priestly vows.

Codes hidden in the Bible were also discussed with Art. Martin argued that scholars tend to read double meanings into the words of the Bible, resulting in claims of "codes" therein that reveal additional information.

Martin also addressed the dangers of demonic possession. As opposed to merely "naughty" people who intentionally commit evil acts, he explained, the possessed are often unaware that they're inhabited by a demon. Possession can happen to people of all types, and happens in stages of severity, he went on.