Bible Prophecy & the Antichrist

Hosted byArt Bell

Bible Prophecy & the Antichrist

About the show

Hal Lindsey, author of "The Late Great Planet Earth" speaks about biblical prophecy, the possible existence of the Antichrist, and coming catastrophic events. Lindsey takes the Bible literally and is unflinching in his grim view of the future. He details signs of the End Times and answers Art’s inquiries about cloning and abortion. Yet, "I don't believe that we're headed for the end of the world," said Lindsey. "I believe that we're headed for a great crisis, which will lead us into new age." It's going to be an unparalleled time in human history, he added.

He related to Art's idea of the Quickening, and talked about his concept of "birth pangs" that occur as we enter into the tumultuous time of the biblical prophecies. Many of the callers are fascinated by the subject of the Antichrist and call after call speculates on his/her true identity. The first hour features news and Open Lines.

Last Night

Coombs Ferry Creature / Jack the Ripper & Suchir Balaji's Death
Coombs Ferry Creature / Jack the Ripper & Suchir Balaji's Death
Cryptozoologist D.A. Roberts recounted his terrifying experience on a remote Missouri island where his team found evidence of a large creature. Followed by podcaster Joel Waldman who discussed Jack the Ripper and the suspicious death of Open AI whistleblower Suchir Balaji.


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