Chemtrails Revelations

Hosted byArt Bell

Chemtrails Revelations

About the show

Author and journalist William Thomas described how he first learned of "chemtrails," and became convinced that they are not normal vapor trails from high-flying aircraft. He detailed how people have been seeing multiple jets spraying crisscross patterns in the air. One witness reported that after the sprayings, he and his wife became sick. A normal contrail is a pencil-thin white line behind a high flying aircraft and it fades pretty quickly, but chemtrails are often seen as multiple parallel rows, grid patterns, or X's in the sky.

Art brings on a man named Mark Porter in hour 2 who spoke about how chemtrail activity goes on weekly in his Canadian city. In hour 3, Art reveals that he has heard from many truckers about chemtrails. Thomas uncovered a patent that indicated aluminum particles released into the atmosphere would counteract global warming. He concluded that the phenomenon was due to large insurance companies desperate to stop climate change.

In the first hour, Art discusses news of the day, and National UFO Reporting Center Director Peter Davenport reported on a recent UFO sighting near Art's home, and other recent cases.

Last Night

Alien Disclosure / Astrology Insights
Alien Disclosure / Astrology Insights
Psychiatrist Carole Lieberman discussed the impact of UFO disclosure and how people would react to the proof of alien existence. Followed by astrologer Mercedes Arnús Arraut on the connections between astrology, personal growth, and spirituality.


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