Children's Past Lives

Hosted byArt Bell

Children's Past Lives

About the show

Appearing in hours 2-4, reincarnation expert Carol Bowman talked about the past lives of children. Both of her children had spontaneous memories of their past lives. When her son Chase was five, he developed a phobia of loud noises. It puzzled Carol since it came out of the blue. Within a month, a friend who was a hypnotherapist visited Carol and put her son Chase in a hypnotic trance. Chase then described himself as an adult male soldier wearing a uniform and carrying a gun.

Chase went on to share vivid details of his experiences on a battlefield. He had chronic eczema on his wrist where said he was shot in the past life as a soldier. After two days, the eczema cleared up and his fear of loud noises went away too.

Bowman reports that sometimes the intermission between lives is less than nine months. She suggested that consciousness could be thought of as a continuum moving from death, to the between stage, and then to birth. When kids are young, many of these memories may be accessible to them, she cited, and some children even begin speaking about these prior memories soon after they start talking.

Art commented on the news of the day, and took Open Lines calls during Hours 1 and 5.

Last Night

Napoleon's US Exploration / Amelia Earhart Mystery
Napoleon's US Exploration / Amelia Earhart Mystery
Author Walter Bosley discussed Napoleon Bonaparte and his mysterious ties to North America. Followed by filmmaker Rich Martini with details on the fate of American aviation pioneer Amelia Earhart.


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