China: Warfare & Control

Hosted byArt Bell

China: Warfare & Control

About the show

Appearing in the middle two hours, author Ralph Sawyer discussed China's tactics concerning warfare and control."I can see them dominating the world in 2050," he declared, adding that he views the country as "America's greatest threat." Going back to antiquity, one of China's strategies has been to hide their strengths. They currently portray themselves as peaceful citizens, yet their country's history of warfare and military ethos, dates back millennia, he detailed. Right now, their vibrant economy is being used to fund new military weapons and advancements, he continued.

Sawyer expressed concerns that the Chinese could be planning to dominate space, as demonstrated by their recent satellite tests-- such technologies could be used to take out communication satellites. In regards to Taiwan, he suggested that the country will collapse from within (with a little help from China) and that not much will be done to stop a Chinese takeover.

But, China also faces major problems, he noted. There is great economic disparity, overcrowding in factories, widespread pollution, poorly compensated soldiers, animosity between different geographical regions, and few health services. Such conditions could lead to rioting and revolt, he commented.

During the first half-hour, Art repeated a consciousness experiment he did the previous night when contactee James Gilliland was his guest. He asked people to quiet their minds, and then focus their intention on the materialization of UFOs in their area-- for the alien beings to reveal their craft. Art said that the initial response appeared successful with many emails coming in describing sightings.

The last hour of the show featured Open Lines including accounts about a 'haunted toaster' and a man who'd undergone an exorcism performed by a Jesuit priest.

Last Night

Hidden News / Haunted Toys
Hidden News / Haunted Toys
Researcher and author Brooks Agnew discussed hidden aspects of the news and space exploration. Followed by ghost hunter and author Ross Allison on haunted toys and locations.


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