Col. Corso's Roswell Revelations

Hosted byArt Bell

Col. Corso's Roswell Revelations

About the show

In this show from 7-23-97, the late Col. Philip Corso, author of The Day After Roswell, detailed his research of alleged extraterrestrial technology recovered from the 1947 Roswell UFO crash. At one point the Col. said he was asked to examine contents from the Roswell incident, including a silvery foil that he was unable to fold, bend or tear – but went back to its original shape without any crease. While point duty officer, in July 1947, he said he saw five-casket-like boxes, which contained small beings with skinny arms and legs with large heads and black round eyes – and no nose, mouth, or ears. According to Corso, the aliens were viewed as enemy combatants.

In this interview, Corso tells us that the reason the US failed at making a working flying saucer is because the ET was part of the ship – it was the guiding system – a clone that was built specifically for space travel. The autopsy reports show that the beings had a third eyelid which was a collector of light – they could see at night. This information was used to make night vision goggles, said Corso, who added that he spearheaded a program to seed ET technology into American industry.

Dr. John Alexander also joins the conversation. Open Lines are featured in the last hour.

Last Night

JFK & Alien Revelations / Awakening Psychic Abilities
JFK & Alien Revelations / Awakening Psychic Abilities
TV personality Mike Bara discussed theories linking JFK's administration with UFOs and extraterrestrial technology. Followed by Dr. Linda Salvin, who shared her remarkable paranormal journey and offered readings for callers.


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