Cosmology & Consciousness

Hosted byArt Bell

Cosmology & Consciousness

About the show

Adair Butchins, the author of The Numinous Legacy, spoke about the intertwining of science and religion. He pointed out that the three monotheistic religions-- Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, were formed before the Copernican revolution (which showed that Earth wasn't the center of the universe) and thus they make God a "rather local" phenomenon.

"I think there's definitely a system at work," making the universe the way it is, Butchins said. But while he doesn't reject the concept of a God or creator of the universe, he characterized such a being as likely indifferent to the fate of humanity or even the universe itself. "If God does exist, he doesn't interfere," Butchins stated.

One of Butchins' most intriguing theories was that consciousness may have arisen from a parallel universe. He suggested that constants such as mathematics, ethics, love and compassion could have been seeded into our realm, possibly by advanced intelligences that inhabit other universes.

The first hour featured news and Open Lines.

Last Night

Cosmology Questions / Spirit Guides & Dreams
Cosmology Questions / Spirit Guides & Dreams
Author and researcher Mark Gober argued that conventional scientific narratives have many flaws and inconsistencies. Followed by author Samantha Fey on how people can access their spirit guides, angels, and dreams.


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