Crop Circles Decoded

Hosted byArt Bell

Crop Circles Decoded

About the show

Crop circle researcher Freddy Silva shared evidence, analysis, and experiences related to the mysterious geometric patterns found in fields. At this point, only about 20% of the circles are produced by natural means, he reported. The creation of the natural formations involves ultrasound or infrasound, with acoustic pressure releasing the water molecules and nullifying them, he detailed, citing the example of a Canadian prairie farmer who found a mummified flattened body of a porcupine in a crop circle on his land.

Reactions to the finding of crop circles can vary widely, Silva noted. In Africa, the site is honored as a sacred space, while in Indiana, police cordon off the area with crime scene tape. He has worked with the noted UK psychic Isabelle Kingston, who received channeled messages from "The Watchers," a "universal consciousness," which claimed the purpose of crop circles was to help guide humanity through its development. The symbols of some formations have been translated by groups such as the Hopi-- in one case, they interpreted the images as meaning "Mother Earth is crying," said Silva.

He also described a man who had built a large replica based on the 1991 Barbary Castle 'Tetrahedron' formation-- he reportedly experienced levitation effects from it. Further, David Myers & David Percy, the authors of Two-Thirds, have uncovered "spinning disc technology" with antigravity properties, based on their decoding of crop circles, Silva added.

News and Open Lines are featured in the first hour.

Last Night

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Ancient Cataclysms & Book of Enoch / Angels & the Akashic Records
Researcher and explorer Timothy Alberino discussed ancient civilizations, cataclysms, and the Book of Enoch. Followed by teacher Amy Robeson on her work with the angelic realm, and the Akashic Records.


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