Extraterrestrial & Alien Contact

Hosted byArt Bell

Extraterrestrial & Alien Contact

About the show

Art welcomed author and UFO researcher James Gilliland, who discussed his extraterrestrial contacts and their prophetic messages for Earth. Gilliland said he has been seeing UFOs and receiving alien messages since he was a child, but only after a near-death experience did he fully understand what was happening to him.

Since then, Gilliland has been documenting UFOs and his ongoing contact with extraterrestrials, including a female Pleiadian named Blaji. According to Gilliland, the Pleiadians are "exquisitely beautiful" humanoid-looking aliens who have transcended war, disease and other problems that plague mankind. Gilliland said the Pleiadians were able to achieve such an advanced state because their spirituality and technology advanced at the same pace.

He also reacted to a report in which Dr. Steven Greer claims SETI has received multiple extraterrestrial signals. Gilliland said he has repeatedly challenged SETI directors to present their evidence, and was told by insiders that the organization and its findings are "under government constraints." Later in the show, Art invited a few Gilliland Ranch witnesses to describe the UFOs they had been spotting while he and Gilliland were chatting.

The first hour featured news and Open Lines.

Last Night

Hidden News / Haunted Toys
Hidden News / Haunted Toys
Researcher and author Brooks Agnew discussed hidden aspects of the news and space exploration. Followed by ghost hunter and author Ross Allison on haunted toys and locations.


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