Ghost to Ghost: 1997

Hosted byArt Bell

Ghost to Ghost: 1997

About the show

Art's annual Halloween show featured Open Lines where callers told their scariest ghost and spirit encounters. Art also read faxed and emailed stories. Eric from Gulfport, FL recalled a Halloween night from 1978, when his Chicago roommates were dabbling in the occult in the basement. They had created a pentacle in a circle of sand, and were trying to summon a demon. Eric said sarcastically, 'if there's a devil here, give us a sign.' An old transistor radio that hadn't worked in years that was locked inside a foot locker suddenly went off.

Sherry from Kansas City detailed a 1980 incident in which she saw an apparitional female figure come out of the closet in her boyfriend's remodeled attic bedroom. The spirit may have been one of the homes' earlier residents who reportedly committed suicide in the attic.

A woman from Vancouver talked about the haunted home she grew up in, which was said to have been inhabited by a family of voodoo practitioners before they moved in. Religious paraphernalia would suddenly fall off the wall, there were mysterious footsteps, and one priest wouldn't even enter the home because of negative energy he sensed. Other eerie tales included a skull that seemingly caught fire on its own, and a possibly haunted photograph in New Orleans of an actress that played Marie Laveau.

Last Night

Rise of AI & Robots / Tesla's Mysterious Plates
Rise of AI & Robots / Tesla's Mysterious Plates
Author Joe Allen shared his thoughts on AI and the future of humanity. Followed by the "Wizard of Weird" Joshua P. Warren, who explained the energy frequencies harnessed by Nikola Tesla's mysterious purple plates.


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