Ghost to Ghost - June 1999

Hosted byArt Bell

Ghost to Ghost - June 1999

About the show

In this full night of “Ghost to Ghost” accounts, Art took calls, and read emails and faxes from listeners of their most amazing, startling, and spine-chilling stories of hauntings and apparitions from the benign to the menacing, and even "demonic entities." One caller described a tale of murder and scandal in a small town that sounds like the plot of a horror film, another claims his son saw a thing with glowing red eyes under his bed, which the caller witnessed as well.

There are also stories from a woman who said her son visited a coffin with the ghost of the man buried there, and an account of the ghost of a Confederate soldier appearing at a Civil War reenactment.

Last Night

Alien Disclosure / Astrology Insights
Alien Disclosure / Astrology Insights
Psychiatrist Carole Lieberman discussed the impact of UFO disclosure and how people would react to the proof of alien existence. Followed by astrologer Mercedes Arnús Arraut on the connections between astrology, personal growth, and spirituality.


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