Ghost-to-Ghost Special 1997

Hosted byArt Bell

Ghost-to-Ghost Special 1997

About the show

On this classic Ghost-to-Ghost show on the night before Halloween, Art began with a frightening story of a loud bang on his studio door. He went to investigate and there was no one there or anywhere in the house. Listeners then called or wrote in with their chilling stories. A truck driver told of seeing a ghostly form he described as "the Grim Reaper" and related how his grandfather had passed away at the very time of the sighting. A divinity student saw what he said looked like "little boy with…black fur" that tried to hide in a drainpipe under a road, and might have been the ghost of a dead child, according to local legend.

A night shift desk attendant at a hotel told the story of a permanent resident with a deceased mother who apparently tried to call her son from an abandoned room in the hotel. A woman said a spirit in her house moved things that had belonged to it, cleaned entire rooms when she left for a few seconds, and even held a door closed. A registered nurse wrote in about a woman who sat up and opened her eyes after her heart had stopped. A caller from Texas said she experienced her television turning on when it was unplugged, which made her bundle up her son and leave.

There were also stories about ghost cats, a nighttime encounter with a terrifying glowing orb, a neighborhood haunted by an old woman who was identified by the smell of baked goods, and a man whose father came back from death to tell him to "take care of your mother."

Last Night

Rise of AI & Robots / Tesla's Mysterious Plates
Rise of AI & Robots / Tesla's Mysterious Plates
Author Joe Allen shared his thoughts on AI and the future of humanity. Followed by the "Wizard of Weird" Joshua P. Warren, who explained the energy frequencies harnessed by Nikola Tesla's mysterious purple plates.


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