Investigating the Roswell Incident

Hosted byArt Bell

Investigating the Roswell Incident

About the show

Author Tom Carey discussed his work getting to the truth about the Roswell crash that had occurred sixty years earlier. There was breaking news that a Roswell officer had just made a deathbed admission about the case.

Carey has a BS degree in Business Administration from Temple University, a Masters Degree in Anthropology from California State University, Sacramento. He was the MUFON State Section Director for Southeastern Pennsylvania, and since 1991, his research has focused solely on the "Roswell Incident" that occurred near the town of Roswell, New Mexico in July 1947. Tom also became a Special Investigator for CUFOS [the J. Allen Hynek Center for UFO Studies] in 1992 and served on its Board of Directors from 1997 through 2001.

The first hour featured news and Open Lines.

Last Night

Reagan & Nixon / Open Lines
Reagan & Nixon / Open Lines
Author and speechwriter Ken Khachigian discussed his days working with former Presidents Ronald Reagan and Richard Nixon. Open Lines followed in the latter half of the program.


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