Lucifer, P.A.N. & Time Travel

Hosted byArt Bell

Lucifer, P.A.N. & Time Travel

About the show

Remote viewer and Luciferian, Aaron Donahue, shared his views and techniques. He believes Lucifer is the "father of the human race" -- an entity that genetically manipulated mankind from primates. He said a Luciferian's focus is on spiritual and psychological evolution, and blamed angels (which he called "spiritual parasites") for the mess the world is in.

Donahue explained his P.A.N. (Practical Application of Non-historical Data) technique, which he said was a more developed system than traditional remote viewing because it can be used to view future events and find numbers. Using this method, he claims to have hit the California lottery 11 days in a row. Donahue also alleges he was able to manipulate numbers and influence the outcome of the Japanese lottery for 10 days.

Donahue also provided information regarding a time machine controlled by genetically manipulated 'super-children', shared the truth about demons and demonic possession, and revealed the third secret of Fatima. According to Donahue, this secret has to do with the human race making contact with Lucifer in South America. The first hour featured news and Open Lines.

Last Night

Hidden News / Haunted Toys
Hidden News / Haunted Toys
Researcher and author Brooks Agnew discussed hidden aspects of the news and space exploration. Followed by ghost hunter and author Ross Allison on haunted toys and locations.


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