Men in Black Encounters & Open Lines

Hosted byArt Bell

Men in Black Encounters & Open Lines

About the show

Art began and ended the program with a night of strange Open Lines, including calls from people who claimed their pets could talk and sing. In the third hour, ufologist Jim Dilettoso discussed his meeting with Men in Black-type visitors after he examined footage of the famous Phoenix Lights. He declared that there was "no possible way" that the lights were flares (as explained away by the authorities) because the optical characteristics of burning flares did not match the video. He also said that aircraft would not fly so dangerously low over a populated area without transponders or in such close proximity to each other in a "V" formation.

Dilettoso described a "trio of gentlemen" who came to visit him and asked some pointed questions about his work. He said they were "astute, forthright...capable, and curious" and asked to see the Phoenix Lights footage. He characterized the conversation as "lighthearted, but very precise." They showed him two scientific papers about zero-point energy and speculations about UFO origins. The men urged him to continue his work and said he "would be contacted," though they never revealed who they worked for. He concluded that "no one really believes it's flares."

The last hour of the program included a call from Honolulu TV reporter Dick Allgire describing a speech from astronaut Story Musgrave that addressed the question of whether aliens exist.

Last Night

Close Encounters / Mount Shasta Mysteries
Close Encounters / Mount Shasta Mysteries
Author Whitley Strieber spoke about his experiences with the non-human entities he calls the "Visitors." Followed by hypnotherapist Dr. Bruce Goldberg on the paranormal lore of Mount Shasta.


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