Near-Death Experiences & Open Lines

Hosted byArt Bell

Near-Death Experiences & Open Lines

About the show

In the first hour, after discussing studies concerning unexplained weight loss at the moment of death, Art spoke to filmmaker Tim O'Reilly, who had a near death-like experience when he was ten years old. Although he didn't give much thought to his experience when it happened, he said that this inspired him to produce and direct his documentary, Round Trip: The Near Death Experience. O'Reilly shared first-hand recollections from five people he interviewed who experienced NDEs, which changed their lives in profound ways, as well as researchers such as Michael Grosso and even a Catholic priest, who O'Reilly said described the afterlife in much the same manner as those who had the near-death episodes.

O'Reilly revealed that each one had a different experience, from angelic beings to meeting dead relatives, but all agreed that they entered a realm where there was "no space, no time, and no weight" and that it was a "perfect place to be…surrounded by unconditional love." He said the most interest in his film had come from hospice workers and others who have to deal with death on a regular basis.

In the last three hours, Art presented news and offered Open Lines, including topics such as more studies on weight loss at death, a strange sphere that fell to earth in Texas, and a possible war with China over Hong Kong.

Last Night

Cynicism & Society / Soldier's ET Revelations
Cynicism & Society / Soldier's ET Revelations
Professor Jamil Zaki explored the intricacies of cynicism and human connection. Followed by author Michael Salla with the revelations of a US Army soldier on his off-world missions and contacts with Nordic ETs.


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