Nine Lives & "Unbreakables"

Hosted byArt Bell

Nine Lives & "Unbreakables"

About the show

Art relates a story by a caller about a man who said there were numerous times he should have died – but for some reason, he survived every one of these moments. Art sees this as similar to the story in the Unbreakable movie with Bruce Willis. So he decides to ask for people who are immortal to call in – or even people who have stories of surviving the odds. One caller talks about his immortality – he saw an angelic vision when he was four years old. When he was seven, he was at a public pool and a young boy dove into the deep end. With the assistance of some force, he recalled literally being carried to the other side of the pool to save this boy's life. He remembers feeling the presence of another force. As he was going into the water, something else was reaching down to grab the drowning boy.

A woman caller spoke about having "nine lives" – after an 18-wheeler broadsided her, she not only survived the crash, but her arm, which should have been gone, was fine. Another woman talked about a special life force that has enabled her to survive lots of odd situations where she should have been dead or hurt. She once heard an internal voice that strangely told her not to buckle a seat belt – during that moment she had a horrible accident where she flew out of the vehicle with minimal scratches. She is convinced she has several guardian angels watching over her.

A man phoned in with an account about his dad being an "unbreakable." He was thrown from a truck and hit by a car but is 100% fine. He got bladder cancer and recovered; had a stroke and recovered; had a blotched hernia operation and recovered. Time after time the man just recovers from difficulties. Art sees this as a "nine lives" syndrome, more than being "unbreakable." Another caller said when he was a kid, a car ran over his arm with no scratch. Also, while working in the coal mines, this man was pushed aside by an unseen force which saved him from falling coal. Art ponders if immortality would be a good thing. He has a feeling in the next 10-20 years, we may have the choice of choosing immortality.