OBEs & Astral Travel

Hosted byArt Bell

OBEs & Astral Travel

About the show

After a myriad of paranormal events, and as a result of a spiritual awakening, Dr. Albert Taylor (who was Art’s guest for the entire program) left behind nearly two decades of work as an aeronautical engineer to publish his book, Soul Traveler. Taylor is now a metaphysical researcher, teacher, lecturer and artist. He is also an active member of the International Association of Near-Death Studies.

Taylor’s out-of-body experiences (OBEs) started when he was six years old. He reported that he is in a "super-conscious" state when this happens, and can see and hear perfectly. Some in this state say they feel as if they fall backward or fall through the bed. Taylor said that at least 40% of his lecture audiences raise their hands when he asks how many have felt paralyzed in their sleep. Art remarked that he has felt this and always fights it until it goes away. Taylor described that for the people who let go, they fall (or fly) out of their body and look forward to it after that, gifted with a whole new awareness of life.

He claimed that 90% of people have this type of OBE, but only 20% remember. It's tough because it's almost like a "mini-death," he said, but once achieved, you feel free and light. Taylor recounted that many hear a buzzing sound during the paralysis or a roaring wind, bells, a high-pitched noise, and some see bright lights – this is the beginning of the disconnection process – when you hear this, let go, and you will be out of your body. Taylor added that the majority of people in a coma experience an OBE, too.

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