Parapsychology & the Mind

Hosted byArt Bell

Parapsychology & the Mind

About the show

Parapsychologist Dr. Jeffrey Mishlove spoke about how his career has been guided by dreams, synchronicities, mystical states, and their philosophical implications. He has the distinction of holding a doctoral diploma in Parapsychology, which was the only such diploma ever awarded by an accredited US university. Mishlove also helped to create a new institution of higher education called 'The University of Philosophical Research' to offer a masters degree in Consciousness Studies.

He described how psychic Ted Owens successfully predicted a UFO event-- it ended up being witnessed by over 100 people and appeared on local news. The conversation also touched on remote viewing and Ouija boards. Mishlove has recently (2021) won a million-dollar prize from the Bigelow Foundation for an essay on life after death.

The first hour featured news of the day, and then Richard C. Hoagland shared an update on the "EQ signal," an apparent alien signal from the star system of EQ Pegasi.