Patrick Combs & the Junk Mail Check

Hosted byArt Bell

Patrick Combs & the Junk Mail Check

About the show

In hours 2 and 3, Patrick Combs tells his story about depositing a 95-thousand dollar junk mail check in an ATM machine and finding that the money was actually credited to his bank account. He then had the bank issue a cashiers' check for the money. He describes the turbulent legal and personal issues around keeping or returning the sum. The last 2 hours are filled with listeners' opinions about what Patrick did.

During the first hour, Art shares news of the day including the OJ trial, and Shannon Faulkner's problems with The Citadel (the first woman trying to enter the Corps of Cadets).

Last Night

Afterlife Evidence / Weather Magic
Afterlife Evidence / Weather Magic
Philosopher and author Chris Carter presented compelling arguments supporting the reality of an afterlife. Followed by astrophysicist, farmer, and witch Debra L. Burris, who shared her unique approach to weather magic.


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