Pole Shift Cataclysm

Hosted byArt Bell

Pole Shift Cataclysm

About the show

Stewart Best is a documentary video producer, author, and publisher. He has produced a documentary film featuring an intense investigation of Martian anomalies. Best talked about a predicted magnetic pole shift, the destruction of the planet that this would cause, and how this relates to and is predicted by scriptural prophecy.

Best also discussed a possible catastrophic shift in the physical orientation of the continents and how this could lead to worldwide catastrophe and widespread extinctions. Best believes that geo-engineering projects by the world powers could be causing further destabilization of the planet.

Author and researcher Neil Slade is featured in the first hour addressing the amazing powers of the brain. He talks about "Mike the Headless Chicken" who survived for 4 1/2 years in the late 1940s after his head was chopped off, as well as the implications of how people can access the brain stem (or amygdala) to perform better and even enhance psychic functioning. Slade was assistant to brain and behavior researcher T.D.A. Lingo for 11 years at Colorado's Dormant Brain Research and Development Laboratory.

Last Night

Afterlife Evidence / Weather Magic
Afterlife Evidence / Weather Magic
Philosopher and author Chris Carter presented compelling arguments supporting the reality of an afterlife. Followed by astrophysicist, farmer, and witch Debra L. Burris, who shared her unique approach to weather magic.


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