Roswell Incident Witnesses

Hosted byArt Bell

Roswell Incident Witnesses

About the show

Roswell researcher John Kirby joined Art in the first two hours to talk about the Roswell Incident, just after the 50th anniversary. They spoke about possible crash site artifacts, and how they could not be terrestrial due to isotopic ratios in them. Kirby also presented recorded interviews with some of the original eyewitnesses, such as Walter Haut, the Army man who released the news that it was a saucer, and Frank Kaufman, who claimed he helped to clean up the crash site.

There was also commentary from Jesse Marcel Jr., son of the officer who visited the crash. Col. Thomas DuBose, who was the chief of staff of the Eighth Air Force said the balloon story was a cover-up. Kaufman recalled that it looked like daylight on the inside of the crashed UFO, even though it was night and the craft was V-shaped. He says the craft was 24 feet in length and 12-14 feet in width, and 6 feet in height. There was a glow around the craft, but it diminished rapidly by the time he got there.

Kaufman also said he saw two bodies being put into bags, which appeared to be "good-looking people." Marcel Jr. remembered seeing the debris, which looked like foil, and that metallic pieces had some type of purple or violet symbols on them. 

The last three hours featured Open Lines.

Last Night

UFO Revelations / Past Lives & Metaphysics
UFO Revelations / Past Lives & Metaphysics
Author and filmmaker L.A. Marzulli updated his work on the interplay between supernatural phenomena, UFOs, and biblical prophecy. Followed by psychic Loren Cielo on his journey into the world of past lives and metaphysical understanding.


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