Technology Breakthroughs

Hosted byArt Bell

Technology Breakthroughs

About the show

Scientist Jan Newcombe Hodges has been one of the foremost leaders in the development and integration of new technology and innovations for decades, beginning with his founding of Hodges Robotics, Intl. in the late 1970's. He developed numerous robotic systems for application work in aerospace, oceanic exploration, entertainment and the nuclear domain. Building the mobile robot that first entered the crippled Three Mile Island reactor, he quickly expanded these systems for work in bomb-squad operations, firefighting, and battlefield applications.

He described how utilizing frequencies and vibrations may create anti-gravity and teleportation effects. He went on to predict robotic colonies on Mars and beyond, with the "personalities" or souls of the operators as part of the operating systems. Hodges also shared his technological breakthroughs and research in such fields as individual tracking, the future of robotics, and many other subjects including nanotechnology.

The first hour featured news and Open Lines.