Investigative journalist William Thomas delved into the phenomenon known as "chemtrails." During the first half-hour, a man called in and said he was a senior flight test engineer for Boeing and knew what was causing the trails. The engineer was questioned closely by Thomas and claimed that the so-called chemtrails were due to standard flight testing for up to 8 hours in specified areas "all over the country," although he couldn't explain all of the issues that Thomas presented to him.
Thomas said he had spoken to many pilots who were perplexed with what they had seen. He recounted a ground-level report from 1994 that included "bacteria" and "human white blood cells" in a kind of goo that repeatedly fell over a wide area, as well as other samples containing dangerous bacteria, viruses, and even fungus. Thomas continued with reports from witnesses describing unusual patterns and clouds in the sky and heightened aircraft activity.
Listeners called in with personal stories of strange sightings and health problems. In the second hour, Art reserved the phone lines for pilots to call who had observations to make regarding contrails/chemtrails, and anyone else with experience of "goo" falling on them from this phenomenon. William Wallace, a person who initially contacted Thomas, called in and described his harrowing experience of aerial spraying, which he said made him sick, weak, and tired - he even lost his job. Later, Thomas read a letter from a high-ranking Air Force officer confirming experiments with the atmosphere at very high altitudes. He also theorized that the chemtrails contained pathogens that would cause or exacerbate human autoimmune diseases.