Psychic Vampirism

Hosted byArt Bell

Psychic Vampirism

About the show

Kathy Keeton, the wife of Penthouse publisher Bob Guccione joined Art in the first hour. In May 1995, she was diagnosed with late-stage 4 breast cancer. After her diagnosis, Keeton treated herself with hydrazine sulfate. She claimed that she had rid herself of or shrunk almost all of the tumors and extended her life by several years, after being given a dire initial prognosis of only six weeks to live by her doctors. She died just three months after this interview of complications from surgery for intestinal obstruction, at age 58.

Professor of Religious Studies, Jay Gordon Melton was Art’s guest in hour 3 to discuss “psychic vampires,” (who supposedly drain people of their physical and mental energy) and how the religious community views "real" vampires. Melton says most are attracted to the vampire mythos for the sexual and immortality angles, and there are also people who drink blood as a subculture lifestyle rather than actually being "undead."

News and Open Lines occupied hours 2, 4, and 5. The topic of Elvis comes up and Art and the callers talk about how he is a bigger star than he ever was in life. Art dedicated a phone line for people claiming to be vampires or victims of psychic vampires.