Unabomber, IRS, & Open Lines

Hosted byArt Bell

Unabomber, IRS, & Open Lines

About the show

In this all-Open Lines show, Art begins with a story about the Unabomber and his recent incarceration, and recites a short history of his life and crimes. Callers comment on the Unabomber and other anti-government movements. Other topics include the IRS, movies, the Constitution, Ron Brown's death, remote viewing, "Art's Parts," and Marlon Brando's appearance on the Larry King show, pleading with scientists to find a way to remove violence from humanity.

Listeners are concerned about North Korea's aggressive action. Art wonders who to take the aliens to when they ask "Take me to your leader." There is an update on Art's cat, Comet. And, Art also speaks of his year working as a 911 dispatcher and a discussion about police ensues.

Last Night

Reagan & Nixon / Open Lines
Reagan & Nixon / Open Lines
Author and speechwriter Ken Khachigian discussed his days working with former Presidents Ronald Reagan and Richard Nixon. Open Lines followed in the latter half of the program.


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