'Weird People' Hotline

Hosted byArt Bell

'Weird People' Hotline

About the show

Starting in the second hour, Art announces that he's been asked to judge the "Weirdest Person in America" contest for the TV show, "Strange Universe." To get a jump on things, he decides to audition callers with a "Weird Person" hotline. Calls come pouring in detailing strange lives and personalities. One of the strangest is from a man who gets turned on by slasher films AND collects toenail clippings. Not just his own, but toenails from celebrities. He claims to have paid money for some from Madonna.

Another man discusses the "orgasmatron" he has invented and tells how he devotes his life to making and selling these devices. Plus, several callers claim to be the Devil!

In the first hour, Art plays audio of his recent trip to Egypt and the Great Pyramid with former Egyptian Director of Antiquities Zahi Hawass.