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Economic Trends / Ancient ET Visitations
Economic Trends / Ancient ET Visitations
Founder of the Trends Research Institute, Gerald Celente, shared his forecast of economic trends. Followed by author Paul Wallis on intriguing connections between ancient civilizations and extraterrestrial contact.
Screen-Time Overload / The Dark Tetrad & Attachment Theory
Screen-Time Overload / The Dark Tetrad & Attachment Theory
Teacher Judith Eckert discussed the impact of screen exposure on children's brain development. Followed by counselor and author Thais Gibson on attachment theory, and the "Dark Tetrad" personality traits.
Soulmate Connections / Near-Death Experience Research
Soulmate Connections / Near-Death Experience Research
Author Jody Long discussed the concept of soulmates. Followed by Dr. Jeffrey Long on his continued research into near-death experiences.
Investigating Bigfoot / Ghost Hunting & Parapsychology
Investigating Bigfoot / Ghost Hunting & Parapsychology
Bigfoot researcher Matt Moneymaker shared his extensive background studying Sasquatch. Followed by Loyd Auerbach, who explained the field of parapsychology and its intersection with psychic phenomena and ghosts.
JFK & Alien Revelations / Awakening Psychic Abilities
JFK & Alien Revelations / Awakening Psychic Abilities
TV personality Mike Bara discussed theories linking JFK's administration with UFOs and extraterrestrial technology. Followed by Dr. Linda Salvin, who shared her remarkable paranormal journey and offered readings for callers.
Rise of AI & Robots / Tesla's Mysterious Plates
Rise of AI & Robots / Tesla's Mysterious Plates
Author Joe Allen shared his thoughts on AI and the future of humanity. Followed by the "Wizard of Weird" Joshua P. Warren, who explained the energy frequencies harnessed by Nikola Tesla's mysterious purple plates.
Food Safety / Afterlife Evidence
Food Safety / Afterlife Evidence
Food safety expert Jeff Nelken shed light on the growing concerns surrounding food recalls and safety protocols. Followed by novelist and researcher Stafford Betty on evidence for the afterlife.
Ancient Cataclysms & Book of Enoch / Angels & the Akashic Records
Ancient Cataclysms & Book of Enoch / Angels & the Akashic Records
Researcher and explorer Timothy Alberino discussed ancient civilizations, cataclysms, and the Book of Enoch. Followed by teacher Amy Robeson on her work with the angelic realm, and the Akashic Records.
Technology Update / Forensic Remote Viewing
Technology Update / Forensic Remote Viewing
Technology expert Lauren Weinstein discussed the latest developments with the Internet and AI. Followed by clairvoyant Angela Thomas on her forensic remote viewing of criminal cases.
Afterlife Evidence / Weather Magic
Afterlife Evidence / Weather Magic
Philosopher and author Chris Carter presented compelling arguments supporting the reality of an afterlife. Followed by astrophysicist, farmer, and witch Debra L. Burris, who shared her unique approach to weather magic.
Coombs Ferry Creature / Jack the Ripper & Suchir Balaji's Death
Coombs Ferry Creature / Jack the Ripper & Suchir Balaji's Death
Cryptozoologist D.A. Roberts recounted his terrifying experience on a remote Missouri island where his team found evidence of a large creature. Followed by podcaster Joel Waldman who discussed Jack the Ripper and the suspicious death of Open AI whistleblower Suchir Balaji.
Reagan & Nixon / Open Lines
Reagan & Nixon / Open Lines
Author and speechwriter Ken Khachigian discussed his days working with former Presidents Ronald Reagan and Richard Nixon. Open Lines followed in the latter half of the program.
CIA & FBI Changes / UFO Quotes
CIA & FBI Changes / UFO Quotes
Author J. Michael Waller discussed the evolving roles of the CIA and FBI. Followed by ufologist Ryan S. Wood on his new book that compiles quotes from 185 notable figures about UFOs.
Napoleon's US Exploration / Amelia Earhart Mystery
Napoleon's US Exploration / Amelia Earhart Mystery
Author Walter Bosley discussed Napoleon Bonaparte and his mysterious ties to North America. Followed by filmmaker Rich Martini with details on the fate of American aviation pioneer Amelia Earhart.
Health Remedies / Ghosts & Hauntings
Health Remedies / Ghosts & Hauntings
Pharmacist Ben Fuchs discussed natural health remedies and supplements. Followed by author and paranormal investigator Richard Estep with reports of ghosts, hauntings, and anomalies.
Hidden News / Haunted Toys
Hidden News / Haunted Toys
Researcher and author Brooks Agnew discussed hidden aspects of the news and space exploration. Followed by ghost hunter and author Ross Allison on haunted toys and locations.
Haunting of Greystone Mansion / Spirit Journeys & Healing
Haunting of Greystone Mansion / Spirit Journeys & Healing
Author Clete Keith delved into the hauntings at Greystone Mansion in Beverly Hills, CA. Followed by spiritual teacher Sonja Grace on her spirit journeys and healing approaches.
Four Assassinations / Bigfoot Evidence
Four Assassinations / Bigfoot Evidence
Author John Koerner discussed the untold history surrounding the assassinations Lincoln, Garfield, McKinley, and Kennedy. Followed by podcaster William Sheehan who reported on the Bigfoot encounters he has meticulously compiled.