Alternative healer Raymon Grace shared a variety of experiences he has had using personal energies and intent. He said over the last 30 years he has developed a dozen different healing techniques, and in one case he described, a man's steel plate in his back was transformed into...
Uri Geller, considered by many to be the world's most celebrated and investigated paranormalist, shared insights into his past and the amazing powers of the mind. As a young child, he said, he was hit in the head by "a sphere of light," and after that he began to manifest...
Regression has helped people shift to a reality of health and well-being. Past life regression therapist Mira Kelly joined host Lisa Garr (email) in the first half of the program for a discussion on how to connect with the higher self to receive guidance. Next, MIT-trained...
In the first half, Katherine Albrecht, a consumer privacy expert and VP of Start Page, the world's most private search engine, discussed the breakneck speed that tracking technology is evolving and how the prospect of chip implants in humans looms in the future unless a movement...
In the first half, George Knapp was joined by author Joseph Farrell, who detailed his research into the possibility that a secret, breakaway civilization was formed by American elites following World War II. In the latter half, author Brad Olsen discussed flaws in modern...
The Voynich manuscript is an illustrated codex hand-written in an unknown system that dates back to the early 15th century. To this day, no one has succeeded in deciphering the text. Spiritual artist and musician Stuart Davis and Professor of Linguistics StephenBax joined George...
Three experts on the notorious unsolved case of the Zodiac Killer, Ed Neil and Tom Voigt, both associated with and Michael Butterfield ( came together to share their views. All three believe the killer is still alive and is probably in his...
Filmmaker Peter Von Puttkamer discussed his most recent work tracking six groups of Monster Hunters on a mission to find physical evidence of the Jersey Devil, Chupacabras, and Yowies. According to Puttkamer, the Jersey Devil legend may have started in the 18th century when a...
Artist, writer, and experimental geographer Trevor Paglen joined host George Knapp (email) to discuss his research into black ops programs and CIA-sponsored "Torture Taxis." He noted the symbology of patches associated with military black ops programs and shared information he...
Tim R. Swartz, the writer and editor of the online Conspiracy Journal, which offers a free, weekly e-mail newsletter, discussed his latest work on America's strange and supernatural history including prophecies made by US presidents. First hour guest, disclosure activist...
Guest host Connie Willis (email) welcomed Preston Nichols, former chief engineer at Montauk Air Force Station/Camp Hero, for a discussion on his alleged work involving mind control, time travel, and alien-reversed technology. In the first hour, writer and director...
Filling in for George, Ian Punnett welcomed first hour guest, legendary comic artist Stan Lee, who discussed his extensive career and the famous characters he helped create.
Inter-tribal Medicine Man, Red Elk shared his visions of earth changes, and also touched on such topics as thunderbirds, Lizard People, Lucifer, Mel's Hole, time travel, and phantom pain.
Conspiracy researcher Kris Millegan discussed the history of the "Skull & Bones" secret society which he said got its start in 1832, though its roots extend back to earlier groups in Europe.
Tuesday night's guest, Betty Eadie, shared her amazing encounter that occurred after she died at a hospital during routine surgery, around 30 years ago. Suddenly "I heard a pop and I could see myself lying there," began her vivid description of her near death experience (NDE).
In the first half, Dave Schrader (email) welcomed paranormal researcher Steph Young, who discussed a strange and highly unusual predator that is living in the woods and forests all across the world and is able to overpower someone in an instant. Followed by writer Roy Bainton...
Filmmaker and artist Jeremy Corbell discussed his research and work with the late Dr. Roger Leir, who removed dozens of alien implants from people. In Corbell's new film, Patient Seventeen, he explores the truth behind implants, and interviewed the man whom Leir conducted his...