
Most Recent - George Knapp

National Park Disappearances / Unidentified Submerged Objects
National Park Disappearances / Unidentified Submerged Objects
Author David Paulides spoke about unexplained disappearances in national parks and the government's opaque response. Followed by historian Richard Dolan, who shared his in-depth investigation of Unidentified Submerged Objects.
JFK Files / UAP Panel / UFOs & PSI Phenomena
JFK Files / UAP Panel / UFOs & PSI Phenomena
Journalist Jefferson Morley discussed a new trove of FBI files related to the JFK assassination. Then, DC reporter Matt Laslo provided analysis of a new congressional panel on UAP. Followed by investigator Richard Lang on UFOs and related psi phenomena.
Grey Abilities / Ufology
Grey Abilities / Ufology
Author Whitley Strieber discussed the behavior and abilities of Grey aliens, and how we once possessed the same powers. Followed by Dr. Jacques Vallee, who shared his extensive knowledge of UFOs, particularly the Trinity UFO crash.
Animal Welfare / Vanishing Stars
Animal Welfare / Vanishing Stars
Animal welfare advocate Wayne Pacelle addressed the effect on animals in the LA fires, and other animal welfare issues. Followed by astronomer Beatriz Villarroel on her research into vanishing stars, which may correspond with UFOs.
Biggest UFO Stories of 2024
Biggest UFO Stories of 2024
George Knapp spoke with veteran UFO researchers Marik von Rennenkampff, Bryce Zabel, and Jeremy Corbell about the major UFO news stories of 2024, including congressional hearings about UAP and the many recent drone sightings.
UFO Complexities
UFO Complexities
Veteran UFO author Keith Thompson discussed complexities surrounding UFO phenomena, including sightings, government responses, researchers' interpretations, and the field of consciousness.
Path to Singularity / The Energy Cure
Path to Singularity / The Energy Cure
Professor J. Craig Wheeler joined host George Knapp to discuss the concept of "singularity", or self-improving artificial intelligence. Followed by Dr. Bill Bengston, who shared his groundbreaking research in energy medicine.
UFO Incursions / Underwater Anomalies & UFOs
UFO Incursions / Underwater Anomalies & UFOs
Researcher Robert Hastings discussed the congressional UAP hearing and various UFO incursions at nuclear bases. Followed by underwater and surface archaeologist Rory Kremer on his investigations into underwater anomalies & UFOs.
Jack the Ripper Evidence / Havana Syndrome
Jack the Ripper Evidence / Havana Syndrome
Researcher Russell Edwards discussed the Jack the Ripper case, and DNA results from a sole piece of physical evidence. Followed by the founder of Targeted Justice, Dr. Len Ber, on the effects of Havana Syndrome.
Imperiled Animals / Navajo Rangers
Imperiled Animals / Navajo Rangers
Aysha Akhtar spoke with George Knapp about animals as emotional companions and the ways that society mistreats them. Followed by Stanley Milford Jr., who shared how the paranormal became part of his job with the Navajo Rangers.
Global UAP Secrets / Remote Viewing & UFO Bases
Global UAP Secrets / Remote Viewing & UFO Bases
Researcher Peter Levenda joined George Knapp to discuss what different governments know about UAP. Followed by legendary remote viewing expert Skip Atwater, who recounted Pat Price's story of viewing UFO bases.
AI Innovations & Information / Transmedium UFOs
AI Innovations & Information / Transmedium UFOs
Scientist Brian Roemmele discussed information overload, the loss of data, and the different roles AI can play. Followed by filmmaker Darcy Weir on the enigmatic transmedium phenomenon around the island of Puerto Rico.
Mysterious Encounters / Royal Family & UFOs
Mysterious Encounters / Royal Family & UFOs
Researcher Greg Lawson discussed his book, Messages from Mothman, which explores the realm of premonitions and other mysterious encounters. Followed by filmmaker Mark Christopher Lee who reported on the British Royal family's interest in UFOs and the paranormal.
UAP Secrets / Scientist's Mysterious Death
UAP Secrets / Scientist's Mysterious Death
Luis Elizondo joined George Knapp to discuss the government's shadowy involvement in UAP investigations. Followed by former counter-intel officer Franc Milburn, who shared his theories about a scientist's mysterious death.
Cops and UFOs / High Strangeness
Cops and UFOs / High Strangeness
Retired police officers Marianne Robb and Dave Rich shed light on a lesser-known aspect of their profession: investigating UFOs. Followed by paranormal researcher Matt Vaughn delving into high strangeness.
Legend of Ogopogo / Brazilian UFO Cases
Legend of Ogopogo / Brazilian UFO Cases
Author Jason Hewlett and director Eli Watson discussed the lore of the Ogopogo. Followed by researcher Thiago Luiz Ticchetti on Brazilian UFO cases.
UFO Disclosure / Apocalypse & Aliens
UFO Disclosure / Apocalypse & Aliens
Actor Thomas Jane joined host George Knapp to discuss mankind's understanding of extraterrestrials through storytelling. Followed by Dr. Irena Scott, who spoke about how human interaction with aliens could either initiate the apocalypse or save us from it.