Mitch Battros

Mitch Battros


Mitch Battros is a scientific journalist who is highly respected in both the scientific and spiritual communities because of his unique ability to bridge the gap between modern science and ancient text. Founded in 1995 - Earth Changes Media was born with Battros as its creator and chief editor. Now, Battros heads up "Science Of Cycles" which continues his research with special attention to newly discovered findings indicating a cyclical connection between our galaxy "Milky Way" with our solar system, Sun and Earth. SOC has quickly found its way in becoming a top source for news and discoveries in the scientific fields of astrophysics, space weather, earth science, and ancient text.



Past Shows:

  • Climate Cycles & Magnetic Field

    Mitch Battros discussed scientific evidence for cyclical climate changes. First hour guest Jonathan Cahn talked about biblical harbingers.More »
  • 'Post Carbon' Civilization

    Host Rob Simone (email) welcomed author Daniel Pinchbeck for a discussion on his new think tank project, the Center for Planetary Culture, and his work developing a transition plan to a "post carbon" civilization. In the first hour, researcher Mitch Battros talked about...More »
  • Solar & Earth Changes / Regressions

    In the first half, author and researcher Mitch Battros discussed solar flares, climate change, and the Earth’s core and magnetic field. In the latter half, spiritual explorer, and practicing regressionist for almost 40 years, Barbara Pomar, talked about reincarnation, and...More »
  • Mysterious Stones & Sounds

    Investigative reporter Linda Moulton Howe discussed radiation refugees in Japan, an unidentified low level humming sound in Canada & England, mysterious ancient stone circles in the Middle East, and recent sightings of UFOs in the Northern Territory of Australia. First hour...More »
  • Explaining the Paranormal

    Author and psychologist specializing in the psychology of the paranormal, Richard Wiseman, discussed his twenty years of research into the paranormal and why he takes a somewhat skeptical perspective on phenomena such as ghosts, out-of-body experiences, psychics and mind...More »
  • Angel Power

    Doreen Virtue, a fourth-generation metaphysician, presented the case for the existence and power of angels in the Earth plane, and related people's extraordinary encounters with these beings. First hour guest, Earth changes expert Mitch Battros shared news about sunspot...More »
  • UFO Crash & Cosmic Explosion

    Investigative reporter Linda Moulton Howe presented a 3-part report on a UFO crash near Aztec, New Mexico in 1948. In the first hour, author Whitley Strieber and researcher Mitch Battros talked about the recent extreme weather.More »
  • Japan Quake/Tsunami

    Coverage of the breaking story of the huge 8.9 quake that struck northeastern Japan included guests Mitch Battros, Stan Deyo, and Stuart Wilde. In the first 90 minutes, independent researcher Lucy Wyatt discussed her journey discovering the origins of civilizations and...More »
  • Electronic Harassment & Warfare

    Scientist and innovator Dr. Fred Bell discussed reports of electronic harassment and holographic warfare technology. Electronic harassment comes in a variety of forms-- it can be imposed surveillance of people's belongings or surroundings, sabotaging of computers, directed high...More »
  • Precarious World

    Author and researcher Steve Quayle riffed on a variety of topics such as giants, weather modification, secret aircraft, biblical prophecy, genetic engineering, the Illuminati agenda, and Planet X. First hour guest, earth changes expert Mitch Battros offered analysis of the...More »
  • The ET Agenda

    During the middle two hours, researcher Len Kasten discussed his research into UFOs and the alien agenda. Kasten said his interest in UFOs began at Eglin Air Force Base, where one night he witnessed a glowing green and gold craft moving swiftly and silently over the Gulf of...More »
  • Chemtrails

    Investigative reporters and film producers G. Edward Griffin and Mike Murphy presented evidence and theories behind the phenomenon of chemtrails, which are said to be caused by chemical or biological agents deliberately sprayed into the atmosphere by planes. First hour...More »
  • Practicing Magick

    Author and practicing magician Donald Michael Kraig discussed the history of magick, why some people have been fearful of magicians and witches, and how simple ideas can help people manifest powerful changes. Appearing during the first half-hour, Earth changes expert Mitch...More »
  • Forbidden Archaeology

    Unorthodox researcher Michael Cremo discussed his continuing work in forbidden archaeology, exploring the artifacts and discoveries that don't fit into conventional timelines and theories. First hour guest, Earth changes expert Mitch Battros talked about the latest...More »
  • The Human Genome

    During the middle two hours, science journalist Victor McElheny (book link) discussed the history of the Human Genome Project, and the implications of what has, is, and will happen as we understand what the human genome is telling us. In the first hour, earth changes...More »
  • Earth Changes & Solar Activity

    Author and researcher Mitch Battros discussed a variety of Earth changes and environmental issues including the hurricane season and the oil spill, as well as the implications of Solar Cycle 24, and Mayan prophecy. First hour guest, radio host Alex Jones reported on the...More »
  • Earth Changes & Space Revelations

    During the first half of the show, researcher Mitch Battros discussed the current state of Earth & space changes. In the latter half of the show, C2C Science Advisor Richard C. Hoagland reacted to Obama's budget plan that would scrap NASA's return to the moon, and...More »
  • Remote Viewing Updates

    Maj. Ed Dames returned to discuss current cases his agency is working on, as well as updates on solar activity and other events. Last hour guest, earth changes expert Mitch Battros shared reports of recent activity.More »
  • Shroud of Turin

    Official documenting photographer for the Shroud of Turin Research Project, Barrie Schwortz (related site: discussed the Shroud, what it is, its meaning, authenticity, and how it brings together religion and science. The Shroud, an ancient linen burial cloth...More »
  • Earthquakes & Earth Changes

    Author and researcher Mitch Battros talked about earthquakes and earth changes. The recent series of quakes off Mexico that were felt in Phoenix and San Diego could be a precursor to a larger event, he said. During the third hour, geologist Jim Berkland and quake sensitive Cal...More »
  • ETs, Whistleblowers, & 2012

    Intuitive researcher David Wilcock spoke about the existence of ETs, whistleblowers' testimonies, stargates, and the coming of 2012. First hour guest, researcher Mitch Battros offered analysis of the Yellowstone quake swarms.More »
  • Earth & Solar Changes

    Author & researcher Mitch Battros discussed his work on the history and current state of earth changes, including the Sun/Earth connection and the implications of Solar Cycle 24. We'll see an escalation of earth changes and extreme weather as we move into this solar cycle, and...More »

Last Night

Afterlife Evidence / Weather Magic
Afterlife Evidence / Weather Magic
Philosopher and author Chris Carter presented compelling arguments supporting the reality of an afterlife. Followed by astrophysicist, farmer, and witch Debra L. Burris, who shared her unique approach to weather magic.


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