Somewhere in Time

Somewhere in Time

Somewhere in Time

Coast Insiders can now listen to Somewhere In Time via the Coast Player. Check out the Art Bell Vault to listen to hundreds of Art Bell classic shows.

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Art Bell: Somewhere in Time
Art Bell: Somewhere in Time
Art Bell: Somewhere in Time returned to 9/13/02 when occult and witchcraft expert Evelyn Paglini discussed mirror magic.
Art Bell: Somewhere in Time
Art Bell: Somewhere in Time
Art Bell: Somewhere in Time returned to 9/10/01, when Art discussed the weird and mysterious Chilbolton Crop Glyphs, which show a crop formation of a face and code that may have answered questions that SETI sent out into the cosmos. It's a crop formation that is still...
Art Bell: Somewhere in Time
Art Bell: Somewhere in Time
Art Bell: Somewhere in Time returned to 8/29/96 for an evening of Open Lines on such topics as Mars, politics, and remote viewing.
Art Bell: Somewhere in Time
Art Bell: Somewhere in Time
Art Bell: Somewhere in Time returned to 8/25/95 for an evening of Open Lines featuring the 'Alien Hotline.'
Art Bell: Somewhere in Time
Art Bell: Somewhere in Time
Art Bell: Somewhere in Time returned to August 11, 1997 for an evening of Open Lines with an emphasis on the UPS strike of that year and how it had the possibility of crippling the US economy.
Art Bell: Somewhere in Time
Art Bell: Somewhere in Time
Art Bell: Somewhere in Time returned to August 6, 2001, when Art interviewed Brendan Cook and Barbara McBeath about their eerie experiences with Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP).
Art Bell: Somewhere in Time
Art Bell: Somewhere in Time
Art Bell: Somewhere in Time returned to 8/1/2001, when Sylvia Browne joined Art to talk about her psychic abilities and how she has learned over the years to turn off messages to keep from being bombarded by information.
Art Bell: Somewhere in Time
Art Bell: Somewhere in Time
Art Bell: Somewhere in Time returned to 7/25/96 for a night of Open Lines on such topics as the Flight 800 incident and military conspiracies.
Art Bell: Somewhere in Time
Art Bell: Somewhere in Time
Art Bell: Somewhere in Time returned to 7/19/1996 when remote viewing expert Courtney Brown discussed remote viewing Jesus, the Greys, and the Cydonia region on Mars.
Art Bell: Somewhere in Time
Art Bell: Somewhere in Time
Art Bell: Somewhere in Time returned to July 11, 1997, when Art interviewed Father Malachi Martin about demonic possession, atheism, and the true nature of faith.
Art Bell: Somewhere in Time
Art Bell: Somewhere in Time
Art Bell: Somewhere in Time returned to 7/4/02 for a discussion about Spontaneous Human Involuntary Invisibility, where people suddenly find themselves invisible.