Gerald Clark

Gerald Clark


Gerald Clark is a 1994 graduate of the University of California at San Diego. He holds an MSEE in Electronic Circuits and Systems, and a BS in Computer Engineering. The author of several papers in the communications and electronics field, he is well known for his work in the San Diego high technology industry, and was awarded several patents in the Free Space Optical Laser Communications field.

During the years 1996-2002, working as a telecommunications executive, Gerald’s business travels took him to various parts of the world exposing him to a plethora of cultures which acted as a catalyst for his research into mankind's earliest technologies and accomplishments, including the cultures of Mesopotamia and the surrounding areas of Turkey, Egypt, Persia, and Iraq, eventually leading to the cuneiform-inscribed tablets left by the Sumerians.



Past Shows:

  • EMP & Grid Update / Anunnaki & Ancient Astronauts

    Glenn Rhoades, Dr. Peter Pry, and Tommy Waller discussed EMP emergency preparedness.Gerald Clark spoke on the legends of the Annunaki.More »
  • Pre-Biblical History/ Megalithic America

    Gerald Clark spoke on pre-Biblical history. Glenn Kreisberg discussed megalithic sites in the U.S.More »
  • Ancient Astronauts/ New Year's Resolutions

    In the first half, author Gerald Clark discussed the ancient astronaut theory. Followed by May McCarthy on how to achieve New Year's resolutions.More »
  • Anunnaki Origins / OBEs

    In the first half of the program, author Gerald Clark reacted to the news that 400,000-year-old human DNA has been discovered and talked about how it connects to his research into the Anunnaki and human origins. In the latter half, one the world's foremost experts on...More »
  • Humanity's Anunnaki Legacy

    John B. Wells was joined by author Gerald Clark (book link) for a discussion on his research into the forgotten history of humanity's Anunnaki legacy. He also spoke about cloaking technology and DARPA's development of an implant that can read brain signals (related...More »
  • The Anunnaki on Earth

    Gerald Clark (book link) discussed his passion for ancient astronaut technology and tablets left by the Sumerians which support Zecharia Sitchin's ideas that humans were seeded by the Anunnaki. First hour guest, privacy advocate Katherine Albrecht reacted to news that Apple...More »

Last Night

Food Safety / Afterlife Evidence
Food Safety / Afterlife Evidence
Food safety expert Jeff Nelken shed light on the growing concerns surrounding food recalls and safety protocols. Followed by novelist and researcher Stafford Betty on evidence for the afterlife.


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