Earnest Cobb

Earnest Cobb


Earnest Cobb is the author of The Secrets to Hitting More Jackpots, a book describing how he hit over 10.3 million dollars in slot machine jackpots since 2005. Ernest has been on TLC Network playing slots while hitting a jackpot and gave the winnings away on camera. He also has his own clothing line for slot players, games of chance players and for people who believe in a higher spirit.



Past Shows:

  • Exopolitics & Contact

    Pioneer in the development of 'Exopolitics,' Michael Salla discussed evidence of contact that is surfacing through major international agencies such as the Vatican, as well as the issue of diplomacy with ETs. First hour guest, Earnest Cobb, who has won over $10.3 million in...More »

Last Night

Fractal Holographic Universe / Julian Assange Case
Fractal Holographic Universe / Julian Assange Case
Billy Carson, founder and CEO of 4BiddenKnowledge TV, explored the concept of the universe as a fractal hologram. Followed by filmmaker Kym Staton who discussed the Julian Assange story and "The Trust Fall: Julian Assange" documentary.


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