Lionel Fanthorpe

Lionel Fanthorpe


Lionel Fanthorpe was born in England and has worked as a journalist and teacher. He is currently Director of Media Studies at Cardiff Academy and an independent priest. Lionel is President of ASSAP (The Association for the Scientific Study of Anomalous Phenomena) and is also the President of BUFORA (the British UFO Research Association). He's now a popular TV and Radio presenter and celebrity guest on chat shows. Lionel is also the author of over 250 books.


Past Shows:

  • Roswell & Ufology / Folklore & Exorcisms

    Don Schmitt, a veteran investigator of the 1947 Roswell Incident, shared his insights into the infamous crash. Followed by Anglican priest Lionel Fanthorpe, who shared various myths, legends, folklore, and tales of exorcisms.More »
  • World's Greatest Mysteries / Open Lines

    Author Lionel Fanthorpe shared accounts of some of the world's most fascinating mysteries, including time travel, deja vu, curses, and Spring-heeled Jack. Open Lines followed in the latter part of the program.More »
  • Secret Door Special XX

    George Noory welcomed four surprise guests: Actor/musician Bill Mumy; podcaster Jim Harold; palm reader Vernon Mahabal; and author Lionel Fanthorpe.More »
  • Friday the 13th & Spiritual Attacks

    Exorcist Bill Bean discussed Friday the 13th, cases of spiritual attacks, and various paranormal happenings. In the first hour, Lionel Fanthorpe shared some of his classic stories.More »
  • Financial Outlook/ Cryptozoology

    In the first half, former NASDAQ arbitrator and long-time stock market analyst, Joe Meyer, discussed why he believes there's a lot to be positive about amid all the bearish sentiment in the economy, including good values in the energy and precious metals markets. In the...More »
  • Secret Door: Birthday Edition

    Who was behind the secret door? As George celebrated his birthday, he welcomed seven favorite C2C regulars throughout the night. In order of appearance, we heard from David Paulides, Richard C. Hoagland, Robin Falkov, L.A. Marzulli, Ian Punnett (Twitter), Graham Hancock, and...More »
  • Bigfoot Hunting & Research

    In the middle two hours, Jim Lansdale and Bobby Hamilton of the the Gulf Coast Bigfoot Research Organization (GCBRO) discussed their work researching and hunting Bigfoot. First hour guest, space historian Robert Zimmerman talked about the Air Force's unmanned clandestine...More »
  • 9/11 Truth

    In the first half, Founder of Architects and Engineers for 9-11 Truth, Richard Gage, talked about the destruction of the three World Trade Center high rises on 9-11, and why 2,250 architects and engineers have found evidence for controlled demolition and are calling for a new...More »
  • George's Birthday Bash

    In honor of George Noory's birthday, Coast to Coast partied in grand style with special guests, each half hour, joining the program to help celebrate another complete orbit around the sun for George. In the first hour, intuitive researcher and filmmaker David Wilcock...More »
  • Missing Plane / Paranormal Mysteries

    First hour guest, author William Engdahl talked about volatile situations around the globe. Second hour guest, former police officer specializing in accident investigation, James Sanders, offered analysis of the Malaysian Flight 370 mystery. Appearing for a segment at the start...More »
  • Christmas Secret Door

    In this special Secret Door Christmas night edition, each half hour, a different guest shared holiday messages and stories and tried their best to stump George as he attempted to guess their identity. Leading expert in the field of near-death experience, Raymond Moody M.D....More »
  • Predictions & Spells

    During the middle two hours, practitioner and teacher of natural magic, Dr. Evelyn Paglini, checked in to discuss her predictions and visions for weather, economy and earth changes, as well as how to conduct spells and candle magic First half-hour guest, authority on...More »
  • Mysterious, Evil & Miraculous Stories

    In the first half of the program, author and ufologist Lionel Fanthorpe shared updates, and accounts of the mysterious and the paranormal. Open Lines followed.More »
  • Our Hidden History

    Appearing during the middle two hours, author and journalist Jim Marrs discussed archeological discoveries that not only support the notion that human civilization originated from ETs, but that advanced civilizations have made Earth their home long before the recorded dates in...More »
  • CIA & Roswell

    In the middle two hours, former CIA agent Chase Brandon discussed his work at the secretive agency, as well as his claims of viewing a box that contained materials about the Roswell crash. Gregg McBride managed to lose 250 pounds and keep it off. In the first hour, Gregg...More »
  • Asteroids / Paranormal Tales

    In the first half, planetary scientist Daniel Durda talked about Near Earth asteroids, and the possibility of a mid-sized one, 2012 DA14, hitting us in 2013. The 150 ft. wide object (much smaller than Apophis) won't collide with Earth when it makes a close approach on Feb. 15th,...More »
  • Japanese Monsters / Numerology & Spring-heeled Jack

    George Noory welcomed Richard Freeman of The Centre for Fortean Zoology for a discussion on Japanese monsters. Then, author and Anglican priest Lionel Fanthorpe talked about numerology and shared some of his favorite stories. Open Lines followed.More »
  • Telementation

    Appearing during the middle two hours, radical academic Jeffrey Grupp discussed concepts such as telementation, which is "the idea that a deep feeling state inside you can alter reality in ways that you want," similar to the Law of Attraction. First hour guest, writer and...More »
  • 'Judgment Day' Rapture

    George spoke with several guests about the predicted date of May 21st as the End of the World, including Neil Saavedra, producer of The Jesus Christ Show, author L.A. Marzulli, Dr. Joye Pugh, and storyteller Lionel Fanthorpe. Open Lines followed.More »
  • Demonology / Ancient Wisdom

    In the first half of the show, author and Anglican Priest, Lionel Fanthorpe, talked about his research into demonology and shadowy deities. In the second half, Peter Canova, a student of esoteric knowledge for over 30 years, discussed the relationship between ancient wisdom...More »
  • Christmas Eve Special

    George Noory and friends celebrated Christmas Eve together on a live edition of the program. In the first hour, author and investigator Joshua P. Warren shared a Christmas Paranormal moment, followed by guests who appeared in individual half-hour segments: Rosemary Ellen Guiley,...More »
  • Mysterious & Unusual Accounts

    In the second half of the show, author Lionel Fanthorpe recounted stories of the mysterious and the unusual, including favorites such as the moving coffins of Barbados and Spring Heeled Jack. In the first half, Dr. Joye Pugh shared her ideas about biblical prophecy, and how...More »
  • Secret Door X

    In the 10th edition of our Secret Door special, three guests made surprise one-hour appearances-- paranormal investigator & author Rosemary Ellen Guiley, storyteller & author Lionel Fanthorpe, and Gulf War Vets advocate, nurse Joyce Riley. First hour guest, investment...More »
  • Global Government & Planet X

    In the first half of the show, prophecy expert and author Grant R. Jeffrey discussed how technology and surveillance are setting the stage for a new reign of tyranny from a hidden global elite. Third hour guest, author Gilbert Eriksen talked about scientific evidence for Planet...More »
  • Federal Reserve Revealed

    During the first three hours, writer and documentary film producer G. Edward Griffin explained how the Federal Reserve system is primarily responsible for our economic crisis. He shared facts about the secret meeting where the Fed was created, and the surprising reality of the...More »
  • Hidden Treasures & Unusual Stories

    Incomparable storyteller Lionel Fanthorpe discussed hidden and lost treasures, as well as vampire lore & time slips. He also shared unusual & favorite stories. First hour guest, author Howard Bloom reacted to a story about how in the animal kingdom, freaks of nature survive...More »
  • Education Reform

    Appearing during the middle two hours, education reformer John Taylor Gatto offered a critique of the American school system. First hour guest, Arthur Blessitt spoke about his decades-long mission in which he carried a 12 foot wooden cross around the world. In the last...More »
  • The Second Sun

    Appearing during the middle two hours, researcher Walter Cruttenden discussed ancient ideas about how our solar system could be tied to another star which may have influenced the rise and fall of civilizations here on Earth. A number of ancient cultures, such as the Greeks, were...More »
  • Time, Time Travel, & Voodoo

    Author, storyteller, & ordained Anglican priest Lionel Fanthorpe shared mysteries of time and time travel, and also discussed the practices of Voodoo and Santeria. Time is not completely understood, but gravity may be the link that unlocks its secrets, he said. With upcoming...More »
  • Spirituality & Science

    Appearing during the middle two hours, Professor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, Dr. George Vaillant discussed his work on the scientific effects of positive emotions, as well as his new book Spiritual Evolution.More »
  • Intuition & Synchronicity

    In the middle two hours, counselor, educator, and healer Colette Baron-Reid discussed shared consciousness, synchronicity, and the scientific underpinnings of intuition. She described experiencing "retro cognition," knowing details of the past and the deceased, from an early...More »
  • Secret Door V

    A set of surprise guests joined us for one segment each in this special 4-hour program. In order of appearance: Dr. Betty Martini spoke about Hawaii's attempt to ban Aspartame. The sweetener is addictive, leaches serotonin from the brain, and is associated with mental illness...More »
  • Christmas Eve Special

    George Noory's Christmas Eve Special featured several guests, plus a couple of surprise visits.In the first hour, researcher Stanton Friedman commented on the UK Ministry of Defence's plan to release secret UFO files. During the middle of the first hour, Billy Gibbons, of ZZ...More »
  • Secret Door IV

    George welcomed five "Secret Door" guests, who made surprise appearances throughout the evening to discuss a variety of topics.More »
  • Time-Slips & Other Stories

    Author, teacher, & ordained Anglican priest Lionel Fanthorpe discussed his new work on the mysteries of time, sharing several cases of "time-slips"-- when people experienced being in a time frame different than their own.More »
  • 'Secret Door' Guests

    In a special night of Open Lines, George introduced a "Secret Door Line" in which popular Coast to Coast guests made surprise appearances.More »
  • Strange Stories

    Author of over 250 books, Lionel Fanthorpe shared unusual stories and also discussed various "time slip" events.More »
  • Strange & Ghoulish Tales

    Prolific author and Anglican Priest, Lionel Fanthorpe returned to share strange and ghoulish tales. At one point he even sang his own composition about a sasquatch! Among the stories he presented: In White City, New Mexico at an old museum he encountered a bizarre miniature...More »
  • Paranormal Britain

    Author and researcher Lionel Fanthorpe shared paranormal reports and stories from his home in Britain. Since the country has had such a long and turbulent history, it may explain why ghostly "replays" of emotionally charged events occur with some frequency, he said.More »
  • Templar Secrets

    Author and Anglican Priest Lionel Fanthorpe returned to talk about Knights Templar secrets and the Ark of the Covenant. The Ark may have originally belonged to the Egyptians and it could have had alchemical powers to transform energy into a mysterious "fifth element," he said....More »
  • Templar Mysteries

    Author and Anglican priest Lionel Fanthorpe returned to the show to share his research into the mysteries of Templar treasure and the Holy Grail. He named three possibilities as to what the Holy Grail might be: the sacred relic of Christ's cup from the Last Supper, an ancient...More »
  • Strange Tales

    Thursday's guest, the prolific author, Lionel Fanthorpe shared a set of lively stories about anomalous occurrences. Most recently he said he had returned from Hawaii where he was told the legend of the "wereshark," a type of being who takes human form by day, and returns to the...More »
  • Lionel Fanthorpe

    Objects can carry romantic myths, embody dangerous curses, or provide links to our past. Some mysterious items, like the Hope Diamond, can still be found today, while others, like the Philosophers' Stone, have vanished into the mists of time. Lionel Fanthorpe is an authority on...More »

Last Night

Remote Viewing & OBEs / Kung Fu & Martial Arts
Remote Viewing & OBEs / Kung Fu & Martial Arts
Professional magician Chris Ramsay spoke about paranormal phenomena, particularly remote viewing and out-of-body experiences. Followed by Eric Oram, a Wing Chun Kung Fu master, who explained this style of martial arts.


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