Thomas Greanias

Thomas Greanias


Thomas Greanias is the New York Times bestselling author of ten conspiracy thrillers, including the Raising Atlantis trilogy, Red Glare, and Gods of RomeHis books in print have been translated into multiple languages and sold around the globe.  National security concerns have forced several redactions prior to publication. A former journalist and on-air Washington correspondent, Greanias infuses his international adventures with provocative issues ripped from tomorrow’s headlines, the latest science and secret sources at the highest levels of government, intelligence and technology.



Past Shows:

  • Investigating the Pandemic / Mysteries of Antarctica

    Jon Rappoport shared his findings investigating the COVID-19 pandemic. Followed by Thomas Greanias on mysteries of Antarctica and Atlantis.More »
  • Martian Head Analysis

    During the middle two hours of the program, Andrew D. Basiago, president of the Mars Anomaly Research Society, discussed his teleportation to Mars and breaking news about the discovery of a Martian head. In the first hour, New York Times bestselling author Thomas Greanias...More »
  • Ancient Aliens & ET Life

    Expert in theology and biblical languages, Mike Heiser critiqued theories of ancient astronauts, and alien DNA tinkering, such as espoused by the late Zecharia Sitchin, and also spoke about the possibilities of ET life in the universe, as well as biblical interpretations. ...More »
  • Full Moon Friday

    During a special Full Moon Friday Open Lines, George offered a "Strange People" hotline and shared the story of Carlos Mirabelli, who could reportedly levitate, appear and disappear at will, and speak in dozens of languages he never studied. UFO Phil called in to tell George...More »
  • Messages from a Medium

    Hans King an internationally acclaimed direct voice medium, was George's main guest on Monday night. As a boy, King was first visited by a Native American spirit guide who helped him to become aware of his spiritual gifts...More »