Steven Gregory

Steven Gregory


Steven Gregory is 550 KFYI's field anchor and entertainment reporter. This is Steve's twenty-third year in radio and television. He's covered the Academy Awards, the Grammys and the Emmys. He's credited for breaking several important local stories and has received numerous broadcast awards, including the prestigious national Edward R. Murrow Award. He is one of the KFYI "Investigators" who uncovered corruption in the Arizona Dept. of Corrections and prompted an investigation into an Assistant Phoenix Police Chief.


Past Shows:

  • Covering Unsolved Crimes / Open Lines

    Investigative reporter Steve Gregory discussed his fascination with unsolved crime, the launch of his new show on KFI AM 640 radio, and the challenges and rewards of his work.More »
  • Godlike Machines

    Artificial brain designer and theoretical physicist Prof. Hugo de Garis raised the issue of whether humanity should build godlike intelligent machines. Because of technological advances, he foresees a time in this century when artificial intelligence can be developed at the...More »

Last Night

Ancient Cataclysms & Book of Enoch / Angels & the Akashic Records
Ancient Cataclysms & Book of Enoch / Angels & the Akashic Records
Researcher and explorer Timothy Alberino discussed ancient civilizations, cataclysms, and the Book of Enoch. Followed by teacher Amy Robeson on her work with the angelic realm, and the Akashic Records.


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