Stephen Harding

Stephen Harding


As a journalist specializing in military affairs, Stephen Harding has reported from Northern Ireland, Bosnia, and Iraq. Currently senior editor at Military History magazine, he lives in Virginia.



Past Shows:

  • The Last Battle

    Ian Punnett was joined by journalist specializing in military affairs, Stephen Harding, for a discussion on how U.S. and German soldiers joined forces in the waning hours of World War II. In the first hour, author Howard Bloom talked about recent government spying...More »

Last Night

Fractal Holographic Universe / Julian Assange Case
Fractal Holographic Universe / Julian Assange Case
Billy Carson, founder and CEO of 4BiddenKnowledge TV, explored the concept of the universe as a fractal hologram. Followed by filmmaker Kym Staton who discussed the Julian Assange story and "The Trust Fall: Julian Assange" documentary.


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