Paul Hellyer

Paul Hellyer


Paul Hellyer was Canada’s youngest Member of Parliament when he was first elected in 1949 and the youngest cabinet minister appointed to Louis S. St. Laurent’s government eight years later. Although Hellyer is best known for the unification of the Canadian Armed Forces and for his 1968 chairmanship of the Task Force on Housing and Urban Development, he has maintained a life-long interest in macroeconomics. This led him to form Action Canada, a populist movement dedicated to the concepts of full employment and low inflation with an emphasis on quality-of-life issues. Through the years, as a journalist and political commentator, he has continued to fight for economic reforms and has written several books on the subject.

In recent years he has become interested in the extraterrestrial presence and their superior technology that we have been emulating. In September 2005 he became the first person of cabinet rank in the G8 group of countries to state unequivocally "UFO’s are as real as the airplanes flying overhead."



Past Shows:

  • Last Days of John Lennon

    Kenneth Womack discussed the last days in the life of John Lennon. In the first hour, Paul Hellyer shared concerns about what he believes is a sinister cabal controlling the US govt.More »
  • Mental Powers & ESP

    Mitch Horowitz discussed the extraordinary powers of thought. First-hour guest Paul Hellyer talked about humanity being at a tipping point.More »
  • Money Mafia/ Midweek Open Lines

    Former Minister of National Defense in Canada, Honorable Paul Hellyer, updated his work researching the New World Order, the US shadow government, and the 'Money Mafia,' all of which he believes are at the top of the cabal that's been running the US and much of the world since...More »
  • Money Mafia & ETs/ Using the 'Force'

    In the first half, former Minister of National Defense in Canada, Paul Hellyer, spoke about his research into the U.S. shadow government and 'Money Mafia,' which he contends are at the apex of a cabal that's been running the U.S. and much of the planet since World War II. ...More »
  • New World Order / Electronic Harassment

    In the first half, former Minister of National Defense in Canada, Paul Hellyer, discussed his new work researching the New World Order, the US shadow government, and the 'Money Mafia' all of which are at the apex of the cabal that's been running the US and much of the world...More »
  • The Money Mafia

    Former Minister of National Defense in Canada, Paul Hellyer discussed his new work researching the New World Order, the U.S. shadow government, and the 'money mafia' which is at the apex of the cabal that has been running the U.S. and much of the world since World War II. ...More »
  • UFO Disclosure

    Former Minister of National Defense in Canada, Paul Hellyer discussed how Col. Philip J. Corso's work on UFOs inspired him to get involved with UFO disclosure, and the implications it has for the future of the planet. First hour guest, Oliver Williams, website editor for...More »